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[solved] Nach Update von 1.3.8 Konfig von Minify, Google Analytics und Facebook leer

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    [solved] Nach Update von 1.3.8 Konfig von Minify, Google Analytics und Facebook leer


    wenn ich eine zen-cart Installation von z.B. 1.3.8 update sind danach folgende Konfigurationsmöglichkeiten leer:

    Hier werden scheinbar die passenden Konfigurationswerte nicht in die Datenbank geschrieben - gibt es einen Patch dafür? Ich nehme mal an, dass die Werte in der Tabelle configuration_language fehlen...

    Vielen Dank schon mal für den Input.


    Das ist ein Fehler im Updater und sollte nicht passieren. Patch folgt.
    Hattest Du im alten 1.3.8 die Module Google Analytics und Facebook aktiv?


      Spiele folgenden Befehl über Admin > Tools > SQL Patches installieren ein, danach sollten die Menüpunkte korrekt vorhanden sein:
      DELETE FROM admin_pages WHERE page_key='configProdGoogleAnalytics';
      DELETE FROM admin_pages WHERE page_key='configGoogleAnalytics';
      DELETE FROM admin_pages WHERE page_key='configProdCssJsLoader';
      DELETE FROM admin_pages WHERE page_key='configMinifySettings';
      DELETE FROM admin_pages WHERE page_key='configFacebook';
      DELETE FROM admin_pages WHERE page_key='configProdFacebookOpenGraph';
      DELETE FROM configuration_group WHERE configuration_group_title = 'Google Analytics';
      DELETE FROM configuration_group WHERE configuration_group_title = 'Google Analytics Configuration';
      DELETE FROM configuration_group WHERE configuration_group_title = 'Google Analytics Einstellungen';
      DELETE FROM configuration_group WHERE configuration_group_title = 'CSS/JS Loader';
      DELETE FROM configuration_group WHERE configuration_group_title = 'Minify Settings';
      DELETE FROM configuration_group WHERE configuration_group_title = 'Minify Einstellungen';
      DELETE FROM configuration_group WHERE configuration_group_title = 'Facebook Functions';
      DELETE FROM configuration_group WHERE configuration_group_title = 'Facebook Funktionen';
      DELETE FROM configuration_group WHERE configuration_group_title = 'Facebook Support';
      DELETE FROM configuration_group WHERE configuration_group_title = 'Facebook Unterstüzung';
      DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_AFTER_CODE';
      DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_CUSTOM_AFTER';
      DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_CONVERSION_LANG';
      DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_TRACKING_TYPE';
      DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_CONVERSION_IDNUM';
      DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_CONVERSION_ACTIVE';
      DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_SKUCODE';
      DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_AFFILIATION';
      DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_TARGET';
      DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_UACCT';
      DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'GOOGLE_CONVERSION_ACTIVE';
      DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'GOOGLE_CONVERSION_IDNUM';
      DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'GOOGLE_CONVERSION_LANG';
      DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ENABLED';
      DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_CUSTOM_CODE_ENABLED';
      DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_CUSTOM_CODE';
      DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_AFTER_CODE';
      DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_CUSTOM_AFTER';
      DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_CONVERSION_LANG';
      DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_TRACKING_TYPE';
      DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_CONVERSION_IDNUM';
      DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_CONVERSION_ACTIVE';
      DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_SKUCODE';
      DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_AFFILIATION';
      DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_TARGET';
      DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_UACCT';
      DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'GOOGLE_CONVERSION_ACTIVE';
      DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'GOOGLE_CONVERSION_IDNUM';
      DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'GOOGLE_CONVERSION_LANG';
      DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ENABLED';
      DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_CUSTOM_CODE_ENABLED';
      DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_CUSTOM_CODE';
      DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'MINIFY_STATUS_JS';
      DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'MINIFY_STATUS_CSS';
      DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'MINIFY_STATUS';
      DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'MINIFY_MAX_URL_LENGHT';
      DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'MINIFY_CACHE_TIME_LENGHT';
      DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'MINIFY_CACHE_TIME_LATEST';
      DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'MINIFY_STATUS_JS';
      DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'MINIFY_STATUS_CSS';
      DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'MINIFY_STATUS';
      DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'MINIFY_MAX_URL_LENGHT';
      DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'MINIFY_CACHE_TIME_LENGHT';
      DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'MINIFY_CACHE_TIME_LATEST';
      DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'FACEBOOK_OPEN_GRAPH_STATUS';
      DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'FACEBOOK_OPEN_GRAPH_APPID';
      DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'FACEBOOK_OPEN_GRAPH_APPSECRET';
      DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'FACEBOOK_OPEN_GRAPH_ADMINID';
      DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'FACEBOOK_OPEN_GRAPH_DEFAULT_IMAGE';
      DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'FACEBOOK_OPEN_GRAPH_TYPE';
      DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'FACEBOOK_OPEN_GRAPH_CPATH';
      DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'FACEBOOK_OPEN_GRAPH_LANGUAGE';
      DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'FACEBOOK_OPEN_GRAPH_CANONICAL';
      DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'FACEBOOK_LIKE_BUTTON_STATUS';
      DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'FACEBOOK_LIKE_BUTTON_METHOD';
      DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'FACEBOOK_LIKE_BUTTON_ALIGNMENT';
      DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'FACEBOOK_LIKE_BUTTON_LAYOUT_STYLE';
      DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'FACEBOOK_LIKE_BUTTON_SHOW_FACES';
      DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'FACEBOOK_LIKE_BUTTON_ACTION';
      DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'FACEBOOK_LIKE_BUTTON_FONT';
      DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'FACEBOOK_LIKE_BUTTON_COLOR_SCHEME';
      DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'FACEBOOK_LIKE_BUTTON_WIDTH';
      DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'FACEBOOK_LIKE_BUTTON_SEND';
      DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'FACEBOOK_OPEN_GRAPH_STATUS';
      DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'FACEBOOK_OPEN_GRAPH_APPID';
      DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'FACEBOOK_OPEN_GRAPH_APPSECRET';
      DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'FACEBOOK_OPEN_GRAPH_ADMINID';
      DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'FACEBOOK_OPEN_GRAPH_DEFAULT_IMAGE';
      DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'FACEBOOK_OPEN_GRAPH_TYPE';
      DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'FACEBOOK_OPEN_GRAPH_CPATH';
      DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'FACEBOOK_OPEN_GRAPH_LANGUAGE';
      DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'FACEBOOK_OPEN_GRAPH_CANONICAL';
      DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'FACEBOOK_LIKE_BUTTON_STATUS';
      DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'FACEBOOK_LIKE_BUTTON_METHOD';
      DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'FACEBOOK_LIKE_BUTTON_ALIGNMENT';
      DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'FACEBOOK_LIKE_BUTTON_LAYOUT_STYLE';
      DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'FACEBOOK_LIKE_BUTTON_SHOW_FACES';
      DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'FACEBOOK_LIKE_BUTTON_ACTION';
      DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'FACEBOOK_LIKE_BUTTON_FONT';
      DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'FACEBOOK_LIKE_BUTTON_COLOR_SCHEME';
      DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'FACEBOOK_LIKE_BUTTON_WIDTH';
      DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'FACEBOOK_LIKE_BUTTON_SEND';
      INSERT INTO configuration_group (`configuration_group_title`,`configuration_group_description`,`sort_order`,`visible`) VALUES ('CSS/JS Loader', 'Set CSS/JS Loader Options', '31', '1');
      SET @gid=last_insert_id();
      UPDATE configuration_group SET sort_order = @gid WHERE configuration_group_id = @gid;
      INSERT INTO configuration (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, last_modified, date_added, use_function, set_function) VALUES 
      ('Enable Minify for Javascripts', 'MINIFY_STATUS_JS', 'true', 'Minifying will speed up your site\'s loading speed by combining and compressing Javascript files.', @gid, 1, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),'),
      ('Enable Minify for CSS', 'MINIFY_STATUS_CSS', 'true', 'Minifying will speed up your site\'s loading speed by combining and compressing CSS files.', @gid, 2, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),'),
      ('Max URL Lenght', 'MINIFY_MAX_URL_LENGHT', '500', 'On some server the maximum lenght of any POST/GET request URL is limited. If this is the case for your server, you can change the setting here', @gid, 3, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, NULL),
      ('Minify Cache Time', 'MINIFY_CACHE_TIME_LENGHT', '31536000', 'Set minify cache time (in second). Default is 1 year (31536000)', @gid, 4, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, NULL),
      ('Latest Cache Time', 'MINIFY_CACHE_TIME_LATEST', '0', 'Normally you don\'t have to set this, but if you have just made changes to your js/css files and want to make sure they are reloaded right away, you can reset this to 0.', @gid, 5, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, NULL);
      INSERT INTO configuration_group (configuration_group_id, language_id, configuration_group_title, configuration_group_description, sort_order, visible ) VALUES 
      (@gid, 43, 'Minify Einstellungen', 'Minify Einstellungen', '31', '1');
      REPLACE INTO configuration_language (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_description, configuration_language_id) VALUES
      ('Minify für Javascripts aktivieren', 'MINIFY_STATUS_JS', 'Minify erhöht die Ladegeschwindigkeit Ihrer Website. Javascripts werden kombiniert und komprimiert.', 43),
      ('Minify für Stylesheets aktivieren', 'MINIFY_STATUS_CSS', 'Minify erhöht die Ladegeschwindigkeit Ihrer Website. CSS Dateien werden kombiniert und komprimiert. Wollen Sie Minify für CSS Stylesheets aktivieren?', 43),
      ('Minify für CSS aktivieren', 'MINIFY_STATUS', 'Minify erhöht die Ladegeschwindigkeit Ihrer Website. CSS Dateien werden kombiniert und komprimiert.', 43),
      ('Maximale URL Länge', 'MINIFY_MAX_URL_LENGHT', 'Auf manchen Servern ist die Länge von POST/GET URLs beschränkt. Falls das auf Ihren Server zutrifft, können Sie hier den Wert verändern. Voreingestellt: 500', 43),
      ('Minify Cache Zeit', 'MINIFY_CACHE_TIME_LENGHT','Stellen Sie hier die Cache Zeit für Minify ein. Voreingestellt ist ein Jahr (31536000)', 43),
      ('zuletzt gecached', 'MINIFY_CACHE_TIME_LATEST', 'Hier müssen Sie normalerweise nichts einstellen. Falls Sie gerade Änderungen an Ihren CSS und Javascripts vorgenommen haben und erzwingen wollen, dass diese Änderungen sofort wirksam sind, stellen Sie auf 0.', 43);
      INSERT INTO admin_pages (page_key,language_key,main_page,page_params,menu_key,display_on_menu,sort_order)
      VALUES ('configMinifySettings','BOX_CONFIGURATION_MINIFY','FILENAME_CONFIGURATION',CONCAT('gID=',@gid),'configuration','Y',@gid);
      INSERT INTO configuration_group (configuration_group_title, configuration_group_description, sort_order, visible) VALUES ('Facebook Functions', 'Set Facebook Options for your store', '32', '1');
      SET @gid=last_insert_id();
      UPDATE configuration_group SET sort_order = last_insert_id() WHERE configuration_group_id = last_insert_id();
      INSERT INTO configuration (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, last_modified, date_added, use_function, set_function) VALUES 
      ('Open Graph - Enable Facebook Open Graph', 'FACEBOOK_OPEN_GRAPH_STATUS', 'false', 'Enable Facebook Open Graph meta data?', @gid, 1, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),'),
      ('Open Graph - Application ID', 'FACEBOOK_OPEN_GRAPH_APPID', '', 'Please enter your application ID (<a href="" target="_blank">Get an application ID</a>)', @gid, 2, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, NULL),
      ('Open Graph - Application Secret', 'FACEBOOK_OPEN_GRAPH_APPSECRET', '', 'Please enter your application secret', @gid, 3, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, NULL),
      ('Open Graph - Admin ID', 'FACEBOOK_OPEN_GRAPH_ADMINID', '', 'Enter the Admin ID(s) of the Facebook user(s) that administer your Facebook fan page separated by commas (<a href="" target="_blank">Insights for your domain</a>)', @gid, 4, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, NULL),
      ('Open Graph - Default Image', 'FACEBOOK_OPEN_GRAPH_DEFAULT_IMAGE', '', 'Enter the full path to your default image or leave blank to disable.  The default image is only used when the product image cannot be found.', @gid, 5, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, NULL),
      ('Open Graph - Object Type', 'FACEBOOK_OPEN_GRAPH_TYPE', 'product', 'Enter an Open Graph Object Type for your products (<a href="" target="_blank">Open Graph Object Types</a>)', @gid, 6, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, NULL),
      ('Open Graph - Use cPath', 'FACEBOOK_OPEN_GRAPH_CPATH', 'true', 'Include the cPath in your URLs?', @gid, 7, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),'),
      ('Open Graph - Include Language', 'FACEBOOK_OPEN_GRAPH_LANGUAGE', 'false', 'Include the language in your URLs?', @gid, 8, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),'),
      ('Open Graph - Use Canonical URL', 'FACEBOOK_OPEN_GRAPH_CANONICAL', 'true', 'Use the canonical URL from Zen Cart or try and recreate the URL?', @gid, 9, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),'),
      ('Like Button - Enable Facebook Like Button', 'FACEBOOK_LIKE_BUTTON_STATUS', 'false', 'Enable the Facebook Like Button?', @gid, 10, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),'),
      ('Like Button - Method', 'FACEBOOK_LIKE_BUTTON_METHOD', 'iframe', 'Use the iframe, HTML5, or XBFML method?', @gid, 11, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'iframe\', \'XBFML\', \'HTML5\'),'),
      ('Like Button - Alignment', 'FACEBOOK_LIKE_BUTTON_ALIGNMENT', 'none', 'Float the widget to the left, right, or none', @gid, 12, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'none\', \'left\', \'right\'),'),
      ('Like Button - Layout Style', 'FACEBOOK_LIKE_BUTTON_LAYOUT_STYLE', 'standard', 'Select a layout style', @gid, 13, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'standard\', \'button_count\', \'box_count\'),'),
      ('Like Button - Show Faces', 'FACEBOOK_LIKE_BUTTON_SHOW_FACES', 'false', 'Specifies whether to display profile photos below the button (if true, set height to 80 or more; standard layout only)', @gid, 14, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),'),
      ('Like Button - Action', 'FACEBOOK_LIKE_BUTTON_ACTION', 'like', 'The verb to display on the button', @gid, 15, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'like\', \'recommend\'),'),
      ('Like Button - Font', 'FACEBOOK_LIKE_BUTTON_FONT', 'arial', 'Select a font:', @gid, 16, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'arial\', \'lucida grande\', \'segoe ui\', \'tahoma\', \'trebuchet ms\', \'verdana\'),'),
      ('Like Button - Color Scheme', 'FACEBOOK_LIKE_BUTTON_COLOR_SCHEME', 'light', 'The color scheme for the like button', @gid, 17, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'light\', \'dark\'),'),
      ('Like Button - Width', 'FACEBOOK_LIKE_BUTTON_WIDTH', '450', 'The width of the like button (standard => 450; button_count => 90; box_count => 55)', @gid, 18, NOW(), NOW(),  NULL, NULL),
      ('Like Button - Combined Send Button', 'FACEBOOK_LIKE_BUTTON_SEND', 'false', 'Create a combined Like and Send button?', @gid, 19, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),');
      INSERT INTO configuration_group (configuration_group_id, language_id, configuration_group_title, configuration_group_description, sort_order, visible ) VALUES 
      (@gid, 43, 'Facebook Funktionen', 'Facebook Einstellungen', '32', '1');
      REPLACE INTO configuration_language (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_description, configuration_language_id) VALUES
      ('Open Graph - Facebook Open Graph aktivieren', 'FACEBOOK_OPEN_GRAPH_STATUS', 'Wollen Sie die Facebook Open Graph Metadaten aktivieren?', 43),
      ('Open Graph - Anwendungsnummer', 'FACEBOOK_OPEN_GRAPH_APPID', 'Tragen Sie hier Ihre Anwendungsnummer / Application ID ein. Falls Sie noch keine haben:<br/><a href="" target="_blank">Application ID beantragen</a>', 43),
      ('Open Graph - Anwendungs Geheimcode', 'FACEBOOK_OPEN_GRAPH_APPSECRET','Tragen Sie Ihren Anwendungs Geheimcode / Application Secret Key ein.', 43),
      ('Open Graph - Admin ID', 'FACEBOOK_OPEN_GRAPH_ADMINID', 'Geben Sie die Admin ID(s) des oder der Facebook User an, die Ihre Facebook Fanseite administrieren. Wenn das mehrere sind, geben Sie die IDs mit Komma getrennt ein. Infos dazu:<br/><a href="" target="_blank">Insights for your domain</a>', 43),
      ('Open Graph - Standard Bild', 'FACEBOOK_OPEN_GRAPH_DEFAULT_IMAGE','Geben Sie den vollen Pfad zu einem Standardbild an oder lassen Sie dieses Feld leer, um kein Standardbild zu verwenden. Ein hier eingestelltes Standardbild wird nur verwendet, wenn kein Artikelbild gefunden wird und stellt so sicher, dass zumindest ein passendes Bild bei Facebook gepostet wird.', 43),
      ('Open Graph - Objekt Typ', 'FACEBOOK_OPEN_GRAPH_TYPE','Geben Sie hier einen Open Graph Object Type für Ihre Artikel ein. Beispiel: product<br/>Infos dazu:<br/><a href="" target="_blank">Open Graph Object Types</a>', 43),
      ('Open Graph - Kategoriepfad in den URLs?', 'FACEBOOK_OPEN_GRAPH_CPATH','Sollen Ihre URLs für Facebook den cPath enthalten?', 43),
      ('Open Graph - Sprache in den Links?', 'FACEBOOK_OPEN_GRAPH_LANGUAGE','Sollen Ihre URLs das Anhängsel für die Sprache enthalten?', 43),
      ('Open Graph - Kanonische URLs verwenden?', 'FACEBOOK_OPEN_GRAPH_CANONICAL','Wollen Sie die kanonische URL der Seite verwenden (empfohlen) oder versuchen, die URL neu zu generieren?', 43),
      ('Like Button - Facebook Like Button aktivieren?', 'FACEBOOK_LIKE_BUTTON_STATUS','Wollen Sie den Facebook Like Button aktivieren?', 43),
      ('Like Button - Einbindungsart', 'FACEBOOK_LIKE_BUTTON_METHOD','iframe, HTML5 oder XBFML', 43),
      ('Like Button - Ausrichtung', 'FACEBOOK_LIKE_BUTTON_ALIGNMENT','Soll der Button links, rechts oder gar nicht floaten?', 43),
      ('Like Button - Layout Stil', 'FACEBOOK_LIKE_BUTTON_LAYOUT_STYLE','Wählen Sie das Grundlayout für den Button: Standard, Button mit Counter oder Box mit Counter', 43),
      ('Like Button - Profilfotos?', 'FACEBOOK_LIKE_BUTTON_SHOW_FACES','Sollen Profilfotos unter dem Button angezeigt werden (Falls ja setzen Sie die Höhe auf 80 und mehr. Nur im Standardlayout möglich)', 43),
      ('Like Button - Aktion', 'FACEBOOK_LIKE_BUTTON_ACTION','Aktion für den Button: like oder recommend', 43),
      ('Like Button - Schriftart', 'FACEBOOK_LIKE_BUTTON_FONT','Wählen Sie eine Schriftart aus:', 43),
      ('Like Button - Farbschema', 'FACEBOOK_LIKE_BUTTON_COLOR_SCHEME','Farbschema light oder dark', 43),
      ('Like Button - Breite', 'FACEBOOK_LIKE_BUTTON_WIDTH','Breite des Like Buttons (Standard => 450; Button mit Counter => 90; Box mit Counter =>55)', 43),
      ('Like Button - Senden und Liken kombinieren?', 'FACEBOOK_LIKE_BUTTON_SEND','Soll der Button die Funktionen Send und Like kombinieren?', 43);
      INSERT INTO admin_pages (page_key,language_key,main_page,page_params,menu_key,display_on_menu,sort_order)
      VALUES ('configFacebook','BOX_CONFIGURATION_FACEBOOK','FILENAME_CONFIGURATION',CONCAT('gID=',@gid),'configuration','Y',@gid);
      INSERT INTO configuration_group (configuration_group_title, configuration_group_description, sort_order, visible) VALUES ('Google Analytics Configuration', 'Google Analytics Configuration Settings', '33', '1');
      SET @gid=last_insert_id();
      UPDATE configuration_group SET sort_order = @gid WHERE configuration_group_id = @gid;
      INSERT INTO configuration (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, last_modified, date_added, use_function, set_function) VALUES
      ('Analytics Account', 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_UACCT', 'UA-XXXXXX-X', 'This number is the unique id you were given by Google when you registered for your Google Analytics account.<br><br>For more hints and tips on how to use Google Analytics to increase sales from your store, visit <b><a href="" target="blank"></a></b><br><br><b>Enter your Google Analytics account number (starting with the "UA-") in the space provided below.</b><br>', @gid, 1, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, NULL),
      ('Target Address', 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_TARGET', 'customers', 'This element is used in conjunction with Google E-Commerce Tracking. It indicates how you want your "transactions" to be identified in your Analytics reports.<br><br>Addresses consist of City,State, and Country.<br><br>This information can help you determine locality of orders placed, shipped to, or billed to.<br><br>For more hints and tips on how to use Google Analytics to increase sales from your store, visit <b><a href="" target="blank"></a></b><br><br><b>Which address type do you want to use for recording transaction information?</b><br>', @gid, 2, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(''customers'', ''delivery'', ''billing''),'),
      ('Affiliation', 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_AFFILIATION', '', 'This <b>optional</b> tracking element is used in conjunction with Google E-Commerce Tracking.<br><br>The Affiliation tag describes the affiliating store or processing site.<br><br>It can be used if you have multiple stores (or web sites) in various locations and is used to track from which location a particular sale originated.<br><br>For more hints and tips on how to use Google Analytics to increase sales from your store, visit <b><a href="" target="blank"></a></b><br><br><b>If you have one, enter your optional partner or store affiliation in the space provided below.</b><br>', @gid, 3, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, NULL),
      ('Use sku/code', 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_SKUCODE', 'products_id', 'This tracking element is used in conjunction with Google Analytics E-Commerce tracking.<br><br>It enables you to track which products perform better than others using either the Product ID, or the Product Model Number as a unique identifier.<br><br>For more hints and tips on how to use Google Analytics to increase sales from your store, visit <b><a href="" target="blank"></a></b><br><br><b>Indicate which identifier you want to use to track product performance by selecting one of the options below.</b>', @gid, 4, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(''products_id'', ''products_model''),'),
      ('Activate Adwords Conversion Tracking', 'GOOGLE_CONVERSION_ACTIVE', 'No', 'This element enables you turn on or off Google Conversion Tracking.<br><br><span style="color:#ff0000;font-weight:bold;">Please Note:</span> Conversion tracking is used to track the effectiveness of Google AdWords paid search campaigns. If you are <b>not</b> running any paid search campaigns, then you should leave this set to "No".<br><br>If you are running Google AdWords (paid search) campaigns, then turning this on will place the proper conversion tracking code on your checkout success page and enable you to start tracking conversions.<br><br>Turning this on <b>requires you</b> to enter your unique Google Conversion Tracking ID in place of the "XXXXXXXXXXX" number shown in the next section.<br><br>For more hints and tips on how to use Google Analytics to increase sales from your store, visit <b><a href="" target="blank"></a></b><br><br><b>Do you want to turn on Google AdWords Conversion Tracking?</b><br>', @gid, 5, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(''Yes'', ''No''), '),
      ('Google AdWords Conversion Tracking Number', 'GOOGLE_CONVERSION_IDNUM', 'XXXXXXXXXX', 'If you activated Conversion Tracking in the previous section, then you <b>must</b> enter your unique Google Conversion Tracking ID in place of the "XXXXXXXXXXX" shown in the space provided below.<br><br>If you have activated Conversion Tracking, and do not enter your number below, tracking will not work.<br><br>For more hints and tips on how to use Google Analytics to increase sales from your store, visit <b><a href="" target="blank"></a></b><br><br><b>Enter your AdWords Conversion Tracking ID Number below.</b>', @gid, 6, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, NULL),
      ('Google AdWords Language', 'GOOGLE_CONVERSION_LANG', 'de', 'Select the language to be used. The default is "English US".<br><br>For more hints and tips on how to use Google Analytics to increase sales from your store, visit <b><a href="" target="blank"></a></b><br><br><b>Select your language below</b><br>', @gid, 7, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_pull_down_google_languages('),
      ('Google Tracking Code Type To Use', 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_TRACKING_TYPE', 'universal', 'Select the type of tracking you wish to use. The default is the "universal" type. You have the ability to change this to the older "ga.js" method. <b>Select your tracking preference below.</b><br />', @gid, 8, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(''universal'', ''ga.js'', ''ga.js asynchronous''), '),
      ('Add Custom Tracking After Main Analytics Code?', 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_CUSTOM_AFTER', 'Disable', 'Do you want to include any custom tracking after the main tracking segment? This can be used to customize the tracking code to your individual needs. Adding tracking objects according to the details on the <a href="" target="_blank">Google Analytics site<a/>. ', @gid, 9, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(''Enable'', ''Disable''),'),
      ('Google Custom Code - After', 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_AFTER_CODE', 'Please copy and paste or add your custom tracking here.', 'Insert custom tracking code', @gid, 10, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_textarea(');
      INSERT INTO configuration_group (configuration_group_id, language_id, configuration_group_title, configuration_group_description, sort_order, visible ) VALUES 
      (@gid, 43, 'Google Analytics Einstellungen', 'Google Analytics Einstellungen', '33', '1');
      REPLACE INTO configuration_language (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_description, configuration_language_id) VALUES
      ('GA - Analytics Account', 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_UACCT', 'Google Analytics:<br/><br/>Die ID, die Sie von Google bei der Anmeldung zu Google Analytics bekommen haben.<br/>Format:<br/>UA-XXXXXX-X<br/><br/><b>Tragen Sie hier Ihre Analytics Account Nummer ein:</b>', 43),
      ('GA - E-Commerce Tracking Zieladresse', 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_TARGET','Google Analytics:<br/><br/>Diese Einstellung bezieht sich auf das Google E-Commerce Tracking und legt fest, ob sie die Auswertung auf Basis von Kundenadresse (customers), Rechnungsadresse (billing) oder Lieferadresse (delivery) haben wollen.<br/><br/><b>Welchen Adresstyp wollen Sie für die Aufzeichnung der Transaktionen verwenden?</b>', 43),
      ('GA - Affiliate', 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_AFFILIATION', 'Google Analytics:<br/><br/>Falls ein Affiliate vorhanden ist (z.B. ein zweiter Shop) hier eintragen. Bei dieser Einstellung geht es darum auszuwerten, von welchem Partnershop/Partnerseite der Kunde ursprünglich kam.<br/><br/><b>Tragen Sie hier den Affiliate ein:</b>', 43),
      ('GA - SKU Code', 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_SKUCODE', 'Google Analytics:<br/><br/>Diese Einstellung bezieht sich auf das Google E-Commerce Tracking und legt fest, ob die Artikel ID oder die Artikelnummer in den Statistiken angezeigt werden soll.<br/><br/><b>Wählen Sie hier aus, was angezeigt werden soll: product_id = interne Zen-Cart Artikel ID<br/>products_model = eingegebene Artikelnummer</b>', 43),
      ('GA - Conversion Tracking aktivieren?', 'GOOGLE_CONVERSION_ACTIVE', 'Google Analytics:<br/><br/><b>WICHTIG:<br/>Diese Einstellung nur aktivieren, wenn auch das kostenpflichtige Google Adwords genutzt wird!</b><br/><br/>Durch Aktivieren wird der Google Conversion Tracking Code in die Checkout Success Seite eingefügt. Dadurch kann die Effektivität der Adwords Kampagne ausgewertet werden. Wenn Sie hier das Conversion Tracking aktivieren, müssen Sie in der nächsten Option Ihre Conversion Tracking Nummer einstellen.<br/><br/><b>Wollen Sie Google AdWords Conversion Tracking aktivieren?</b>', 43),
      ('GA - Adwords Conversion Tracking Nummer', 'GOOGLE_CONVERSION_IDNUM', 'Google Analytics:<br/><br/>Wenn Sie oben Conversion Tracking aktiviert haben, geben Sie hier Ihre Conversion Tracking ID anstelle der XXXXXXXXXXX ein. Sollten Sie hier keine Nummer eingeben, wird das Conversion Tracking nicht funktionieren.<br/><br/><b>Geben Sie hier Ihre AdWords Conversion Tracking ID ein:</b>', 43),
      ('GA - Google Adwords Sprache', 'GOOGLE_CONVERSION_LANG', 'Google Analytics:<br/><br/>Spracheinstellung für Google Adwords. Voreingestellt ist: Deutsch<br/><br/><b>Wählen Sie die gewünschte Sprache aus:</b>', 43),
      ('GA - Art des Tracking Codes', 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_TRACKING_TYPE', 'Google Analytics:<br/><br/>Welchen Tracking Code Typ wollen Sie verwenden? Voreingestellt ist der neueste universal Typ. Sie können das auf den veralteten ga.js oder auf den früher von Google angebotenen Asynchronous Typ umstellen. Besuchen Sie die <a href="" target="_blank">Google Analytics Website</a> für genauere Informationen zu den verschiedenen Varianten<br/><br/><b>Wählen Sie Ihren Tracking Typ:</b>', 43),
      ('GA - Benutzerdefinierten Tracking Code nach dem Hauptcode einfügen?', 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_CUSTOM_AFTER', 'Google Analytics:<br/><br/>Wollen Sie einen weiteren benutzerdefinierten Trackingcode nach dem normalen Google Analytics Hauptcode einfügen? Das kann genutzt werden, um den Code an Ihre ganz individuellen Erfordernisse anzupassen. Fügen Sie Tracking Objekte entsprechend der Dokumentation der <a href="" target="_blank">Google Analytics Website</a> ein.<br/><br/>Voreingestellt ist: Deaktiviert.', 43),
      ('GA - Benutzerdefinierter Tracking Code', 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_AFTER_CODE', 'Google Analytics:<br/><br/>Falls Sie benutzerfefinierten Tracking Code aktiviert haben, fügen Sie diesen hier ein:', 43);
      INSERT INTO admin_pages (page_key,language_key,main_page,page_params,menu_key,display_on_menu,sort_order)
      VALUES ('configGoogleAnalytics','BOX_CONFIGURATION_GOOGLEANALYTICS','FILENAME_CONFIGURATION',CONCAT('gID=',@gid),'configuration','Y',@gid);
      DROP TABLE IF EXISTS google_analytics_languages;
      CREATE TABLE google_analytics_languages (
        languages_id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
        name varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
        code char(10) NOT NULL default '',
        sort_order int(3) default NULL,
        PRIMARY KEY  (languages_id),
        KEY idx_languages_name_zen (name)
      INSERT INTO google_analytics_languages VALUES ('','Chinese (simplified) - Chinesisch (einfach)','zh_CN',1);
      INSERT INTO google_analytics_languages VALUES ('','Chinese (traditional) - Chinesisch (traditionell)','zh_TW',2);
      INSERT INTO google_analytics_languages VALUES ('','Danish - Dänisch','da',3);
      INSERT INTO google_analytics_languages VALUES ('','Dutch - Holländisch','nl',4);
      INSERT INTO google_analytics_languages VALUES ('','English (Australia)','en_AU',5);
      INSERT INTO google_analytics_languages VALUES ('','English (UK))','en_GB',6);
      INSERT INTO google_analytics_languages VALUES ('','English (US)','en_US',7);
      INSERT INTO google_analytics_languages VALUES ('','Finnish - Finnisch','fi',8);
      INSERT INTO google_analytics_languages VALUES ('','French - Französisch','fr',9);
      INSERT INTO google_analytics_languages VALUES ('','German - Deutsch','de',10);
      INSERT INTO google_analytics_languages VALUES ('','Hebrew - Hebräisch','iw',11);
      INSERT INTO google_analytics_languages VALUES ('','Italian - Italienisch','it',12);
      INSERT INTO google_analytics_languages VALUES ('','Japanese - Japanisch','ja',13);
      INSERT INTO google_analytics_languages VALUES ('','Korean - Koreanisch','ko',14);
      INSERT INTO google_analytics_languages VALUES ('','Norwegian - Norwegisch','no',15);
      INSERT INTO google_analytics_languages VALUES ('','Polish - Polnisch','pl',16);
      INSERT INTO google_analytics_languages VALUES ('','Portuguese (Brazil) - Portugiesisch (Brasilien)','pt_BR',17);
      INSERT INTO google_analytics_languages VALUES ('','Portuguese (Portugal) - Portugiesisch (Portugal)','pt_PT',18);
      INSERT INTO google_analytics_languages VALUES ('','Russian - Russisch','ru',19);
      INSERT INTO google_analytics_languages VALUES ('','Spanish - Spanisch','es',20);
      INSERT INTO google_analytics_languages VALUES ('','Swedish - Schwedisch','sv',21);
      INSERT INTO google_analytics_languages VALUES ('','Turkish - Türkisch','tr',22);



        in der 1.3.8 war keines der beiden Module installiert.
        Bei deinem Patch ist mir folgendes aufgefallen:
        Die inserts in die Tabelle google_analytics_languages sind nicht notwendig, die werden korrekt vom Updater durchgeführt - ich habe deinem Patch einfach zu Anfang noch ein
        TRUNCATE google_analytics_languages

        Mit diesem Patch klappts und man kann die Konfigurationen für Google Analytics, Minify und Facebook vornehmen.

        Vielen Dank und lg



          Der Patch geht es radikaler an als unbedingt nötig um wirklich alle Relikte zu entfernen und alle 3 sauber neu zu installieren. Daher wird auch die Tabelle google_analytics_languages sicherheitshalber komplett gelöscht und neu angelegt.

          Updater wird entsprechend überarbeitet


            Noch nicht ganz gelöst:

            Folgende Konfigurationszeilen scheinen im Modul noch nicht auf - ich habe gerade mit dem Demoshop auf verglichen:

            GA - Google Analytics aktivieren?

            Ich habe daher noch folgende Änderungen am Patch vorgenommen - ich poste hier nochmal den gesamten Patch. Eine Bemerkung jedoch noch: ich bekomme Fehlermeldungen wenn ich den Patch über die zen-cart Adminoberfläche einspiele, beim Einspielen über PHPMYADMIN gibt es keine Probleme. Ich will das jetzt auch nicht nochmal testen und ein DB Backup einspielen bevor ich den Patch eingespielt habe, da das DB Backup aufgrund der vorhandenen Daten 700MB groß ist und entsprechend lange zum Einspielen braucht...

            Außerdem hat sich noch ein kleiner Fehler eingeschlichen:
            Richtig heisst es SKU_CODE in einem Patch war es mit SKUCODE tituliert.

            TRUNCATE google_analytics_languages;
            DELETE FROM admin_pages WHERE page_key='configProdGoogleAnalytics';
            DELETE FROM admin_pages WHERE page_key='configGoogleAnalytics';
            DELETE FROM admin_pages WHERE page_key='configProdCssJsLoader';
            DELETE FROM admin_pages WHERE page_key='configMinifySettings';
            DELETE FROM admin_pages WHERE page_key='configFacebook';
            DELETE FROM admin_pages WHERE page_key='configProdFacebookOpenGraph';
            DELETE FROM configuration_group WHERE configuration_group_title = 'Google Analytics';
            DELETE FROM configuration_group WHERE configuration_group_title = 'Google Analytics Configuration';
            DELETE FROM configuration_group WHERE configuration_group_title = 'Google Analytics Einstellungen';
            DELETE FROM configuration_group WHERE configuration_group_title = 'CSS/JS Loader';
            DELETE FROM configuration_group WHERE configuration_group_title = 'Minify Settings';
            DELETE FROM configuration_group WHERE configuration_group_title = 'Minify Einstellungen';
            DELETE FROM configuration_group WHERE configuration_group_title = 'Facebook Functions';
            DELETE FROM configuration_group WHERE configuration_group_title = 'Facebook Funktionen';
            DELETE FROM configuration_group WHERE configuration_group_title = 'Facebook Support';
            DELETE FROM configuration_group WHERE configuration_group_title = 'Facebook Unterstüzung';
            DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_AFTER_CODE';
            DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_CUSTOM_AFTER';
            DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_CONVERSION_LANG';
            DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_TRACKING_TYPE';
            DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_CONVERSION_IDNUM';
            DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_CONVERSION_ACTIVE';
            DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_SKU_CODE';
            DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_AFFILIATION';
            DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_TARGET';
            DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_UACCT';
            DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'GOOGLE_CONVERSION_ACTIVE';
            DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'GOOGLE_CONVERSION_IDNUM';
            DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'GOOGLE_CONVERSION_LANG';
            DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ENABLED';
            DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_CUSTOM_CODE_ENABLED';
            DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_CUSTOM_CODE';
            DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_AFTER_CODE';
            DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_CUSTOM_AFTER';
            DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_CONVERSION_LANG';
            DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_TRACKING_TYPE';
            DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_CONVERSION_IDNUM';
            DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_CONVERSION_ACTIVE';
            DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_SKU_CODE';
            DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_AFFILIATION';
            DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_TARGET';
            DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_UACCT';
            DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'GOOGLE_CONVERSION_ACTIVE';
            DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'GOOGLE_CONVERSION_IDNUM';
            DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'GOOGLE_CONVERSION_LANG';
            DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ENABLED';
            DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_CUSTOM_CODE_ENABLED';
            DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_CUSTOM_CODE';
            DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'MINIFY_STATUS_JS';
            DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'MINIFY_STATUS_CSS';
            DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'MINIFY_STATUS';
            DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'MINIFY_MAX_URL_LENGHT';
            DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'MINIFY_CACHE_TIME_LENGHT';
            DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'MINIFY_CACHE_TIME_LATEST';
            DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'MINIFY_STATUS_JS';
            DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'MINIFY_STATUS_CSS';
            DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'MINIFY_STATUS';
            DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'MINIFY_MAX_URL_LENGHT';
            DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'MINIFY_CACHE_TIME_LENGHT';
            DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'MINIFY_CACHE_TIME_LATEST';
            DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'FACEBOOK_OPEN_GRAPH_STATUS';
            DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'FACEBOOK_OPEN_GRAPH_APPID';
            DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'FACEBOOK_OPEN_GRAPH_APPSECRET';
            DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'FACEBOOK_OPEN_GRAPH_ADMINID';
            DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'FACEBOOK_OPEN_GRAPH_DEFAULT_IMAGE';
            DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'FACEBOOK_OPEN_GRAPH_TYPE';
            DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'FACEBOOK_OPEN_GRAPH_CPATH';
            DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'FACEBOOK_OPEN_GRAPH_LANGUAGE';
            DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'FACEBOOK_OPEN_GRAPH_CANONICAL';
            DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'FACEBOOK_LIKE_BUTTON_STATUS';
            DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'FACEBOOK_LIKE_BUTTON_METHOD';
            DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'FACEBOOK_LIKE_BUTTON_ALIGNMENT';
            DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'FACEBOOK_LIKE_BUTTON_LAYOUT_STYLE';
            DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'FACEBOOK_LIKE_BUTTON_SHOW_FACES';
            DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'FACEBOOK_LIKE_BUTTON_ACTION';
            DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'FACEBOOK_LIKE_BUTTON_FONT';
            DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'FACEBOOK_LIKE_BUTTON_COLOR_SCHEME';
            DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'FACEBOOK_LIKE_BUTTON_WIDTH';
            DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'FACEBOOK_LIKE_BUTTON_SEND';
            DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'FACEBOOK_OPEN_GRAPH_STATUS';
            DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'FACEBOOK_OPEN_GRAPH_APPID';
            DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'FACEBOOK_OPEN_GRAPH_APPSECRET';
            DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'FACEBOOK_OPEN_GRAPH_ADMINID';
            DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'FACEBOOK_OPEN_GRAPH_DEFAULT_IMAGE';
            DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'FACEBOOK_OPEN_GRAPH_TYPE';
            DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'FACEBOOK_OPEN_GRAPH_CPATH';
            DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'FACEBOOK_OPEN_GRAPH_LANGUAGE';
            DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'FACEBOOK_OPEN_GRAPH_CANONICAL';
            DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'FACEBOOK_LIKE_BUTTON_STATUS';
            DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'FACEBOOK_LIKE_BUTTON_METHOD';
            DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'FACEBOOK_LIKE_BUTTON_ALIGNMENT';
            DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'FACEBOOK_LIKE_BUTTON_LAYOUT_STYLE';
            DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'FACEBOOK_LIKE_BUTTON_SHOW_FACES';
            DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'FACEBOOK_LIKE_BUTTON_ACTION';
            DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'FACEBOOK_LIKE_BUTTON_FONT';
            DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'FACEBOOK_LIKE_BUTTON_COLOR_SCHEME';
            DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'FACEBOOK_LIKE_BUTTON_WIDTH';
            DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'FACEBOOK_LIKE_BUTTON_SEND';
            INSERT INTO configuration_group (`configuration_group_title`,`configuration_group_description`,`sort_order`,`visible`) VALUES ('CSS/JS Loader', 'Set CSS/JS Loader Options', '31', '1');
            SET @gid=last_insert_id();
            UPDATE configuration_group SET sort_order = @gid WHERE configuration_group_id = @gid;
            INSERT INTO configuration (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, last_modified, date_added, use_function, set_function) VALUES
            ('Enable Minify for Javascripts', 'MINIFY_STATUS_JS', 'true', 'Minifying will speed up your site\'s loading speed by combining and compressing Javascript files.', @gid, 1, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),'),
            ('Enable Minify for CSS', 'MINIFY_STATUS_CSS', 'true', 'Minifying will speed up your site\'s loading speed by combining and compressing CSS files.', @gid, 2, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),'),
            ('Max URL Lenght', 'MINIFY_MAX_URL_LENGHT', '500', 'On some server the maximum lenght of any POST/GET request URL is limited. If this is the case for your server, you can change the setting here', @gid, 3, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, NULL),
            ('Minify Cache Time', 'MINIFY_CACHE_TIME_LENGHT', '31536000', 'Set minify cache time (in second). Default is 1 year (31536000)', @gid, 4, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, NULL),
            ('Latest Cache Time', 'MINIFY_CACHE_TIME_LATEST', '0', 'Normally you don\'t have to set this, but if you have just made changes to your js/css files and want to make sure they are reloaded right away, you can reset this to 0.', @gid, 5, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, NULL);
            INSERT INTO configuration_group (configuration_group_id, language_id, configuration_group_title, configuration_group_description, sort_order, visible ) VALUES
            (@gid, 43, 'Minify Einstellungen', 'Minify Einstellungen', '31', '1');
            REPLACE INTO configuration_language (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_description, configuration_language_id) VALUES
            ('Minify für Javascripts aktivieren', 'MINIFY_STATUS_JS', 'Minify erhöht die Ladegeschwindigkeit Ihrer Website. Javascripts werden kombiniert und komprimiert.', 43),
            ('Minify für Stylesheets aktivieren', 'MINIFY_STATUS_CSS', 'Minify erhöht die Ladegeschwindigkeit Ihrer Website. CSS Dateien werden kombiniert und komprimiert. Wollen Sie Minify für CSS Stylesheets aktivieren?', 43),
            ('Minify für CSS aktivieren', 'MINIFY_STATUS', 'Minify erhöht die Ladegeschwindigkeit Ihrer Website. CSS Dateien werden kombiniert und komprimiert.', 43),
            ('Maximale URL Länge', 'MINIFY_MAX_URL_LENGHT', 'Auf manchen Servern ist die Länge von POST/GET URLs beschränkt. Falls das auf Ihren Server zutrifft, können Sie hier den Wert verändern. Voreingestellt: 500', 43),
            ('Minify Cache Zeit', 'MINIFY_CACHE_TIME_LENGHT','Stellen Sie hier die Cache Zeit für Minify ein. Voreingestellt ist ein Jahr (31536000)', 43),
            ('zuletzt gecached', 'MINIFY_CACHE_TIME_LATEST', 'Hier müssen Sie normalerweise nichts einstellen. Falls Sie gerade Änderungen an Ihren CSS und Javascripts vorgenommen haben und erzwingen wollen, dass diese Änderungen sofort wirksam sind, stellen Sie auf 0.', 43);
            INSERT INTO admin_pages (page_key,language_key,main_page,page_params,menu_key,display_on_menu,sort_order)
            VALUES ('configMinifySettings','BOX_CONFIGURATION_MINIFY','FILENAME_CONFIGURATION',CONCAT('gID=',@gid),'configuration','Y',@gid);
            INSERT INTO configuration_group (configuration_group_title, configuration_group_description, sort_order, visible) VALUES ('Facebook Functions', 'Set Facebook Options for your store', '32', '1');
            SET @gid=last_insert_id();
            UPDATE configuration_group SET sort_order = last_insert_id() WHERE configuration_group_id = last_insert_id();
            INSERT INTO configuration (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, last_modified, date_added, use_function, set_function) VALUES
            ('Open Graph - Enable Facebook Open Graph', 'FACEBOOK_OPEN_GRAPH_STATUS', 'false', 'Enable Facebook Open Graph meta data?', @gid, 1, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),'),
            ('Open Graph - Application ID', 'FACEBOOK_OPEN_GRAPH_APPID', '', 'Please enter your application ID (<a href="" target="_blank">Get an application ID</a>)', @gid, 2, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, NULL),
            ('Open Graph - Application Secret', 'FACEBOOK_OPEN_GRAPH_APPSECRET', '', 'Please enter your application secret', @gid, 3, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, NULL),
            ('Open Graph - Admin ID', 'FACEBOOK_OPEN_GRAPH_ADMINID', '', 'Enter the Admin ID(s) of the Facebook user(s) that administer your Facebook fan page separated by commas (<a href="" target="_blank">Insights for your domain</a>)', @gid, 4, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, NULL),
            ('Open Graph - Default Image', 'FACEBOOK_OPEN_GRAPH_DEFAULT_IMAGE', '', 'Enter the full path to your default image or leave blank to disable.  The default image is only used when the product image cannot be found.', @gid, 5, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, NULL),
            ('Open Graph - Object Type', 'FACEBOOK_OPEN_GRAPH_TYPE', 'product', 'Enter an Open Graph Object Type for your products (<a href="" target="_blank">Open Graph Object Types</a>)', @gid, 6, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, NULL),
            ('Open Graph - Use cPath', 'FACEBOOK_OPEN_GRAPH_CPATH', 'true', 'Include the cPath in your URLs?', @gid, 7, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),'),
            ('Open Graph - Include Language', 'FACEBOOK_OPEN_GRAPH_LANGUAGE', 'false', 'Include the language in your URLs?', @gid, 8, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),'),
            ('Open Graph - Use Canonical URL', 'FACEBOOK_OPEN_GRAPH_CANONICAL', 'true', 'Use the canonical URL from Zen Cart or try and recreate the URL?', @gid, 9, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),'),
            ('Like Button - Enable Facebook Like Button', 'FACEBOOK_LIKE_BUTTON_STATUS', 'false', 'Enable the Facebook Like Button?', @gid, 10, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),'),
            ('Like Button - Method', 'FACEBOOK_LIKE_BUTTON_METHOD', 'iframe', 'Use the iframe, HTML5, or XBFML method?', @gid, 11, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'iframe\', \'XBFML\', \'HTML5\'),'),
            ('Like Button - Alignment', 'FACEBOOK_LIKE_BUTTON_ALIGNMENT', 'none', 'Float the widget to the left, right, or none', @gid, 12, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'none\', \'left\', \'right\'),'),
            ('Like Button - Layout Style', 'FACEBOOK_LIKE_BUTTON_LAYOUT_STYLE', 'standard', 'Select a layout style', @gid, 13, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'standard\', \'button_count\', \'box_count\'),'),
            ('Like Button - Show Faces', 'FACEBOOK_LIKE_BUTTON_SHOW_FACES', 'false', 'Specifies whether to display profile photos below the button (if true, set height to 80 or more; standard layout only)', @gid, 14, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),'),
            ('Like Button - Action', 'FACEBOOK_LIKE_BUTTON_ACTION', 'like', 'The verb to display on the button', @gid, 15, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'like\', \'recommend\'),'),
            ('Like Button - Font', 'FACEBOOK_LIKE_BUTTON_FONT', 'arial', 'Select a font:', @gid, 16, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'arial\', \'lucida grande\', \'segoe ui\', \'tahoma\', \'trebuchet ms\', \'verdana\'),'),
            ('Like Button - Color Scheme', 'FACEBOOK_LIKE_BUTTON_COLOR_SCHEME', 'light', 'The color scheme for the like button', @gid, 17, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'light\', \'dark\'),'),
            ('Like Button - Width', 'FACEBOOK_LIKE_BUTTON_WIDTH', '450', 'The width of the like button (standard => 450; button_count => 90; box_count => 55)', @gid, 18, NOW(), NOW(),  NULL, NULL),
            ('Like Button - Combined Send Button', 'FACEBOOK_LIKE_BUTTON_SEND', 'false', 'Create a combined Like and Send button?', @gid, 19, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),');
            INSERT INTO configuration_group (configuration_group_id, language_id, configuration_group_title, configuration_group_description, sort_order, visible ) VALUES
            (@gid, 43, 'Facebook Funktionen', 'Facebook Einstellungen', '32', '1');
            REPLACE INTO configuration_language (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_description, configuration_language_id) VALUES
            ('Open Graph - Facebook Open Graph aktivieren', 'FACEBOOK_OPEN_GRAPH_STATUS', 'Wollen Sie die Facebook Open Graph Metadaten aktivieren?', 43),
            ('Open Graph - Anwendungsnummer', 'FACEBOOK_OPEN_GRAPH_APPID', 'Tragen Sie hier Ihre Anwendungsnummer / Application ID ein. Falls Sie noch keine haben:<br/><a href="" target="_blank">Application ID beantragen</a>', 43),
            ('Open Graph - Anwendungs Geheimcode', 'FACEBOOK_OPEN_GRAPH_APPSECRET','Tragen Sie Ihren Anwendungs Geheimcode / Application Secret Key ein.', 43),
            ('Open Graph - Admin ID', 'FACEBOOK_OPEN_GRAPH_ADMINID', 'Geben Sie die Admin ID(s) des oder der Facebook User an, die Ihre Facebook Fanseite administrieren. Wenn das mehrere sind, geben Sie die IDs mit Komma getrennt ein. Infos dazu:<br/><a href="" target="_blank">Insights for your domain</a>', 43),
            ('Open Graph - Standard Bild', 'FACEBOOK_OPEN_GRAPH_DEFAULT_IMAGE','Geben Sie den vollen Pfad zu einem Standardbild an oder lassen Sie dieses Feld leer, um kein Standardbild zu verwenden. Ein hier eingestelltes Standardbild wird nur verwendet, wenn kein Artikelbild gefunden wird und stellt so sicher, dass zumindest ein passendes Bild bei Facebook gepostet wird.', 43),
            ('Open Graph - Objekt Typ', 'FACEBOOK_OPEN_GRAPH_TYPE','Geben Sie hier einen Open Graph Object Type für Ihre Artikel ein. Beispiel: product<br/>Infos dazu:<br/><a href="" target="_blank">Open Graph Object Types</a>', 43),
            ('Open Graph - Kategoriepfad in den URLs?', 'FACEBOOK_OPEN_GRAPH_CPATH','Sollen Ihre URLs für Facebook den cPath enthalten?', 43),
            ('Open Graph - Sprache in den Links?', 'FACEBOOK_OPEN_GRAPH_LANGUAGE','Sollen Ihre URLs das Anhängsel für die Sprache enthalten?', 43),
            ('Open Graph - Kanonische URLs verwenden?', 'FACEBOOK_OPEN_GRAPH_CANONICAL','Wollen Sie die kanonische URL der Seite verwenden (empfohlen) oder versuchen, die URL neu zu generieren?', 43),
            ('Like Button - Facebook Like Button aktivieren?', 'FACEBOOK_LIKE_BUTTON_STATUS','Wollen Sie den Facebook Like Button aktivieren?', 43),
            ('Like Button - Einbindungsart', 'FACEBOOK_LIKE_BUTTON_METHOD','iframe, HTML5 oder XBFML', 43),
            ('Like Button - Ausrichtung', 'FACEBOOK_LIKE_BUTTON_ALIGNMENT','Soll der Button links, rechts oder gar nicht floaten?', 43),
            ('Like Button - Layout Stil', 'FACEBOOK_LIKE_BUTTON_LAYOUT_STYLE','Wählen Sie das Grundlayout für den Button: Standard, Button mit Counter oder Box mit Counter', 43),
            ('Like Button - Profilfotos?', 'FACEBOOK_LIKE_BUTTON_SHOW_FACES','Sollen Profilfotos unter dem Button angezeigt werden (Falls ja setzen Sie die Höhe auf 80 und mehr. Nur im Standardlayout möglich)', 43),
            ('Like Button - Aktion', 'FACEBOOK_LIKE_BUTTON_ACTION','Aktion für den Button: like oder recommend', 43),
            ('Like Button - Schriftart', 'FACEBOOK_LIKE_BUTTON_FONT','Wählen Sie eine Schriftart aus:', 43),
            ('Like Button - Farbschema', 'FACEBOOK_LIKE_BUTTON_COLOR_SCHEME','Farbschema light oder dark', 43),
            ('Like Button - Breite', 'FACEBOOK_LIKE_BUTTON_WIDTH','Breite des Like Buttons (Standard => 450; Button mit Counter => 90; Box mit Counter =>55)', 43),
            ('Like Button - Senden und Liken kombinieren?', 'FACEBOOK_LIKE_BUTTON_SEND','Soll der Button die Funktionen Send und Like kombinieren?', 43);
            INSERT INTO admin_pages (page_key,language_key,main_page,page_params,menu_key,display_on_menu,sort_order)
            VALUES ('configFacebook','BOX_CONFIGURATION_FACEBOOK','FILENAME_CONFIGURATION',CONCAT('gID=',@gid),'configuration','Y',@gid);
            INSERT INTO configuration_group (configuration_group_title, configuration_group_description, sort_order, visible) VALUES ('Google Analytics Configuration', 'Google Analytics Configuration Settings', '33', '1');
            SET @gid=last_insert_id();
            UPDATE configuration_group SET sort_order = @gid WHERE configuration_group_id = @gid;
            INSERT INTO configuration (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, last_modified, date_added, use_function, set_function) VALUES
            ('Analytics Enabled', 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ENABLED', 'Enabled', 'Enables / disables this plugin.', @gid, 1, NOW(), NOW(),NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(''Enabled'', ''Disabled''), '),
            ('Analytics Account', 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_UACCT', 'UA-XXXXXX-X', 'This number is the unique id you were given by Google when you registered for your Google Analytics account.<br><br>For more hints and tips on how to use Google Analytics to increase sales from your store, visit <b><a href="" target="blank"></a></b><br><br><b>Enter your Google Analytics account number (starting with the "UA-") in the space provided below.</b><br>', @gid, 2, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, NULL),
            ('Target Address', 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_TARGET', 'customers', 'This element is used in conjunction with Google E-Commerce Tracking. It indicates how you want your "transactions" to be identified in your Analytics reports.<br><br>Addresses consist of City,State, and Country.<br><br>This information can help you determine locality of orders placed, shipped to, or billed to.<br><br>For more hints and tips on how to use Google Analytics to increase sales from your store, visit <b><a href="" target="blank"></a></b><br><br><b>Which address type do you want to use for recording transaction information?</b><br>', @gid, 3, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(''customers'', ''delivery'', ''billing''),'),
            ('Affiliation', 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_AFFILIATION', '', 'This <b>optional</b> tracking element is used in conjunction with Google E-Commerce Tracking.<br><br>The Affiliation tag describes the affiliating store or processing site.<br><br>It can be used if you have multiple stores (or web sites) in various locations and is used to track from which location a particular sale originated.<br><br>For more hints and tips on how to use Google Analytics to increase sales from your store, visit <b><a href="" target="blank"></a></b><br><br><b>If you have one, enter your optional partner or store affiliation in the space provided below.</b><br>', @gid, 4, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, NULL),
            ('Use sku/code', 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_SKU_CODE', 'products_id', 'This tracking element is used in conjunction with Google Analytics E-Commerce tracking.<br><br>It enables you to track which products perform better than others using either the Product ID, or the Product Model Number as a unique identifier.<br><br>For more hints and tips on how to use Google Analytics to increase sales from your store, visit <b><a href="" target="blank"></a></b><br><br><b>Indicate which identifier you want to use to track product performance by selecting one of the options below.</b>', @gid, 5, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(''products_id'', ''products_model''),'),
            ('Activate Adwords Conversion Tracking', 'GOOGLE_CONVERSION_ACTIVE', 'No', 'This element enables you turn on or off Google Conversion Tracking.<br><br><span style="color:#ff0000;font-weight:bold;">Please Note:</span> Conversion tracking is used to track the effectiveness of Google AdWords paid search campaigns. If you are <b>not</b> running any paid search campaigns, then you should leave this set to "No".<br><br>If you are running Google AdWords (paid search) campaigns, then turning this on will place the proper conversion tracking code on your checkout success page and enable you to start tracking conversions.<br><br>Turning this on <b>requires you</b> to enter your unique Google Conversion Tracking ID in place of the "XXXXXXXXXXX" number shown in the next section.<br><br>For more hints and tips on how to use Google Analytics to increase sales from your store, visit <b><a href="" target="blank"></a></b><br><br><b>Do you want to turn on Google AdWords Conversion Tracking?</b><br>', @gid, 6, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(''Yes'', ''No''), '),
            ('Google AdWords Conversion Tracking Number', 'GOOGLE_CONVERSION_IDNUM', 'XXXXXXXXXX', 'If you activated Conversion Tracking in the previous section, then you <b>must</b> enter your unique Google Conversion Tracking ID in place of the "XXXXXXXXXXX" shown in the space provided below.<br><br>If you have activated Conversion Tracking, and do not enter your number below, tracking will not work.<br><br>For more hints and tips on how to use Google Analytics to increase sales from your store, visit <b><a href="" target="blank"></a></b><br><br><b>Enter your AdWords Conversion Tracking ID Number below.</b>', @gid, 7, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, NULL),
            ('Google AdWords Language', 'GOOGLE_CONVERSION_LANG', 'de', 'Select the language to be used. The default is "English US".<br><br>For more hints and tips on how to use Google Analytics to increase sales from your store, visit <b><a href="" target="blank"></a></b><br><br><b>Select your language below</b><br>', @gid, 8, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_pull_down_google_languages('),
            ('Google Tracking Code Type To Use', 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_TRACKING_TYPE', 'universal', 'Select the type of tracking you wish to use. The default is the "universal" type. You have the ability to change this to the older "ga.js" method. <b>Select your tracking preference below.</b><br />', @gid, 9, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(''universal'', ''ga.js'', ''ga.js asynchronous''), '),
            ('Add Custom Tracking After Main Analytics Code?', 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_CUSTOM_AFTER', 'Disable', 'Do you want to include any custom tracking after the main tracking segment? This can be used to customize the tracking code to your individual needs. Adding tracking objects according to the details on the <a href="" target="_blank">Google Analytics site<a/>. ', @gid, 10, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(''Enable'', ''Disable''),'),
            ('Google Custom Code - After', 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_AFTER_CODE', 'Please copy and paste or add your custom tracking here.', 'Insert custom tracking code', @gid, 11, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_textarea(');
            INSERT INTO configuration_group (configuration_group_id, language_id, configuration_group_title, configuration_group_description, sort_order, visible ) VALUES
            (@gid, 43, 'Google Analytics Einstellungen', 'Google Analytics Einstellungen', '33', '1');
            REPLACE INTO configuration_language (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_description, configuration_language_id) VALUES
            ('GA - Google Analytics aktivieren?', 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ENABLED', 'Wollen Sie Google Analytics aktivieren? <br/><br/>Enabled = Ja<br/>Disabled = Nein', 43),
            ('GA - Analytics Account', 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_UACCT', 'Google Analytics:<br/><br/>Die ID, die Sie von Google bei der Anmeldung zu Google Analytics bekommen haben.<br/>Format:<br/>UA-XXXXXX-X<br/><br/><b>Tragen Sie hier Ihre Analytics Account Nummer ein:</b>', 43),
            ('GA - E-Commerce Tracking Zieladresse', 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_TARGET','Google Analytics:<br/><br/>Diese Einstellung bezieht sich auf das Google E-Commerce Tracking und legt fest, ob sie die Auswertung auf Basis von Kundenadresse (customers), Rechnungsadresse (billing) oder Lieferadresse (delivery) haben wollen.<br/><br/><b>Welchen Adresstyp wollen Sie für die Aufzeichnung der Transaktionen verwenden?</b>', 43),
            ('GA - Affiliate', 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_AFFILIATION', 'Google Analytics:<br/><br/>Falls ein Affiliate vorhanden ist (z.B. ein zweiter Shop) hier eintragen. Bei dieser Einstellung geht es darum auszuwerten, von welchem Partnershop/Partnerseite der Kunde ursprünglich kam.<br/><br/><b>Tragen Sie hier den Affiliate ein:</b>', 43),
            ('GA - SKU Code', 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_SKU_CODE', 'Google Analytics:<br/><br/>Diese Einstellung bezieht sich auf das Google E-Commerce Tracking und legt fest, ob die Artikel ID oder die Artikelnummer in den Statistiken angezeigt werden soll.<br/><br/><b>Wählen Sie hier aus, was angezeigt werden soll: product_id = interne Zen-Cart Artikel ID<br/>products_model = eingegebene Artikelnummer</b>', 43),
            ('GA - Conversion Tracking aktivieren?', 'GOOGLE_CONVERSION_ACTIVE', 'Google Analytics:<br/><br/><b>WICHTIG:<br/>Diese Einstellung nur aktivieren, wenn auch das kostenpflichtige Google Adwords genutzt wird!</b><br/><br/>Durch Aktivieren wird der Google Conversion Tracking Code in die Checkout Success Seite eingefügt. Dadurch kann die Effektivität der Adwords Kampagne ausgewertet werden. Wenn Sie hier das Conversion Tracking aktivieren, müssen Sie in der nächsten Option Ihre Conversion Tracking Nummer einstellen.<br/><br/><b>Wollen Sie Google AdWords Conversion Tracking aktivieren?</b>', 43),
            ('GA - Adwords Conversion Tracking Nummer', 'GOOGLE_CONVERSION_IDNUM', 'Google Analytics:<br/><br/>Wenn Sie oben Conversion Tracking aktiviert haben, geben Sie hier Ihre Conversion Tracking ID anstelle der XXXXXXXXXXX ein. Sollten Sie hier keine Nummer eingeben, wird das Conversion Tracking nicht funktionieren.<br/><br/><b>Geben Sie hier Ihre AdWords Conversion Tracking ID ein:</b>', 43),
            ('GA - Google Adwords Sprache', 'GOOGLE_CONVERSION_LANG', 'Google Analytics:<br/><br/>Spracheinstellung für Google Adwords. Voreingestellt ist: Deutsch<br/><br/><b>Wählen Sie die gewünschte Sprache aus:</b>', 43),
            ('GA - Art des Tracking Codes', 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_TRACKING_TYPE', 'Google Analytics:<br/><br/>Welchen Tracking Code Typ wollen Sie verwenden? Voreingestellt ist der neueste universal Typ. Sie können das auf den veralteten ga.js oder auf den früher von Google angebotenen Asynchronous Typ umstellen. Besuchen Sie die <a href="" target="_blank">Google Analytics Website</a> für genauere Informationen zu den verschiedenen Varianten<br/><br/><b>Wählen Sie Ihren Tracking Typ:</b>', 43),
            ('GA - Benutzerdefinierten Tracking Code nach dem Hauptcode einfügen?', 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_CUSTOM_AFTER', 'Google Analytics:<br/><br/>Wollen Sie einen weiteren benutzerdefinierten Trackingcode nach dem normalen Google Analytics Hauptcode einfügen? Das kann genutzt werden, um den Code an Ihre ganz individuellen Erfordernisse anzupassen. Fügen Sie Tracking Objekte entsprechend der Dokumentation der <a href="" target="_blank">Google Analytics Website</a> ein.<br/><br/>Voreingestellt ist: Deaktiviert.', 43),
            ('GA - Benutzerdefinierter Tracking Code', 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_AFTER_CODE', 'Google Analytics:<br/><br/>Falls Sie benutzerfefinierten Tracking Code aktiviert haben, fügen Sie diesen hier ein:', 43);
            INSERT INTO admin_pages (page_key,language_key,main_page,page_params,menu_key,display_on_menu,sort_order)
            VALUES ('configGoogleAnalytics','BOX_CONFIGURATION_GOOGLEANALYTICS','FILENAME_CONFIGURATION',CONCAT('gID=',@gid),'configuration','Y',@gid);
            DROP TABLE IF EXISTS google_analytics_languages;
            CREATE TABLE google_analytics_languages (
              languages_id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
              name varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
              code char(10) NOT NULL default '',
              sort_order int(3) default NULL,
              PRIMARY KEY  (languages_id),
              KEY idx_languages_name_zen (name)
            INSERT INTO google_analytics_languages VALUES ('','Chinese (simplified) - Chinesisch (einfach)','zh_CN',1);
            INSERT INTO google_analytics_languages VALUES ('','Chinese (traditional) - Chinesisch (traditionell)','zh_TW',2);
            INSERT INTO google_analytics_languages VALUES ('','Danish - Dänisch','da',3);
            INSERT INTO google_analytics_languages VALUES ('','Dutch - Holländisch','nl',4);
            INSERT INTO google_analytics_languages VALUES ('','English (Australia)','en_AU',5);
            INSERT INTO google_analytics_languages VALUES ('','English (UK))','en_GB',6);
            INSERT INTO google_analytics_languages VALUES ('','English (US)','en_US',7);
            INSERT INTO google_analytics_languages VALUES ('','Finnish - Finnisch','fi',8);
            INSERT INTO google_analytics_languages VALUES ('','French - Französisch','fr',9);
            INSERT INTO google_analytics_languages VALUES ('','German - Deutsch','de',10);
            INSERT INTO google_analytics_languages VALUES ('','Hebrew - Hebräisch','iw',11);
            INSERT INTO google_analytics_languages VALUES ('','Italian - Italienisch','it',12);
            INSERT INTO google_analytics_languages VALUES ('','Japanese - Japanisch','ja',13);
            INSERT INTO google_analytics_languages VALUES ('','Korean - Koreanisch','ko',14);
            INSERT INTO google_analytics_languages VALUES ('','Norwegian - Norwegisch','no',15);
            INSERT INTO google_analytics_languages VALUES ('','Polish - Polnisch','pl',16);
            INSERT INTO google_analytics_languages VALUES ('','Portuguese (Brazil) - Portugiesisch (Brasilien)','pt_BR',17);
            INSERT INTO google_analytics_languages VALUES ('','Portuguese (Portugal) - Portugiesisch (Portugal)','pt_PT',18);
            INSERT INTO google_analytics_languages VALUES ('','Russian - Russisch','ru',19);
            INSERT INTO google_analytics_languages VALUES ('','Spanish - Spanisch','es',20);
            INSERT INTO google_analytics_languages VALUES ('','Swedish - Schwedisch','sv',21);
            INSERT INTO google_analytics_languages VALUES ('','Turkish - Türkisch','tr',22);
            Bitte um Feedback sollte ich etwas übersehen haben...

            Zuletzt geändert von hartundweich; 08.10.2014, 21:03.


              Danke für den Hinweis auf die fehlenden/falschen Google Analytics Einträge.
              Dein TRUNCATE google_analytics_languages; am Anfang ist nicht notwendig/sinnlos weil weiter unten die Tabelle ohnehin komplett gelöscht und neu angelegt wird.

              Der Fehler im Updatescript ist im SVN bereits behoben.


              Info zu diesem Forenarchiv:
              Mit Release von 1.5.7 wurde die deutsche Zen Cart Version auf eine reine DIY-Lösung umgestellt.
              Für einen Support via Forum stehen keine personellen und zeitlichen Ressourcen mehr zur Verfügung.
              Dieses Supportforum bleibt im Nur-Lesen-Modus als Wissensarchiv noch online verfügbar.
              PM Funktionalität, Registrierung und Posten neuer Beiträge sind deaktiviert.
              Zugriff auf Anhänge in den Postings ist auch ohne Registrierung/Einloggen möglich.
              FAQ und Downloadbereich des Forums wurden in die neue umfangreiche Knowledgebase auf der Website übernommen.

              Das Development der deutschen Zen Cart Version geht wie bisher auf Github weiter.
              Wir werden auch weiterhin neue Versionen bereitstellen und die Onlinedokumentation/Knowledgebase aktualisieren.
              Fehler in der Software können auf Github als Issues gemeldet werden.
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              aktuelle version
              Zen Cart 1.5.7h deutsch
              vom 15.04.2024