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lightbox 1.6.3. "WARNING: An Error occurred, please refresh the page and try again."

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    lightbox 1.6.3. "WARNING: An Error occurred, please refresh the page and try again."


    wollte die lightbox installieren,aber schon bei punkt 1 kam dieser Fehler.

    Habe den File install unter sql admin eingeben wollen und es kamm eine weiße Seite mit:

    WARNING: An Error occurred, please refresh the page and try again.


    danke oliver

    Gibt es unter FAQ folgendes:


      Danke ,
      die seite hatte ich auch gesehen ,aber geholfen hat sie mir nicht.
      Wollte auch keinen neuen Shop ,sondern nur das lightbox einbauen.
      aber trotztdem danke


        Das Errorlog im Ordner cache hast Du Dir angesehen?


          ja...aber verstanden hab ich NIX

          das stand da:
          [07-Sep-2012 07:42:53 UTC] PHP Fatal error:  1062:Duplicate entry 'ZEN_LIGHTBOX_STATUS' for key 'unq_config_key_zen' :: INSERT INTO configuration (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, last_modified, date_added, use_function, set_function) VALUES ('LB - Zen Lightbox', 'ZEN_LIGHTBOX_STATUS', 'true', '<br />If true, all product images on the following pages will be displayed within a lightbox:<br /><br />- document_general_info<br />- document_product_info<br />- page (EZ-Pages)<br />- product_free_shipping_info<br />- product_info<br />- product_music_info<br />- product_reviews<br />- product_reviews_info<br />- product_reviews_write<br /><br /><b>Default: true</b>', @gid, 1, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''), '), ('LB - Overlay Opacity', 'ZEN_LIGHTBOX_OVERLAY_OPACITY', '0.8', '<br />Controls the transparency of the overlay.<br /><br /><b>Default: 0.8</b>', @gid, 2, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(''0'', ''0.1'', ''0.2'', ''0.3'', ''0.4'', ''0.5'', ''0.6'', ''0.7'', ''0.8'', ''0.9'', ''1''), '), ('LB - Overlay Fade Duration', 'ZEN_LIGHTBOX_OVERLAY_FADE_DURATION', '400', '<br />Controls the fade duration of the overlay.<br /><br />Note: This value is measured in milliseconds.<br /><br /><b>Default: 400</b><br />', @gid, 3, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, NULL), ('LB - Resize Duration', 'ZEN_LIGHTBOX_RESIZE_DURATION', '400', '<br />Controls the speed of the image resizing.<br /><br />Note: This value is measured in milliseconds.<br /><br /><b>Default: 400</b><br />', @gid, 4, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, NULL), ('LB - Resize Transition', 'ZEN_LIGHTBOX_RESIZE_TRANSITION', 'false', '<br />Allows for custom control over the transition effect used to animate the lightbox.<br /><br /><b>Default: false</b><br />', @gid, 5, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, NULL), ('LB - Initial Width', 'ZEN_LIGHTBOX_INITIAL_WIDTH', '250', '<br />If Enable Resize Animations is set to true, the lightbox will resize its width from this value to the current image width, when first displayed.<br /><br />Note: This value is measured in pixels.<br /><br /><b>Default: 250</b><br />', @gid, 6, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, NULL), ('LB - Initial Height', 'ZEN_LIGHTBOX_INITIAL_HEIGHT', '250', '<br />If Enable Resize Animations is set to true, the lightbox will resize its height from this value to the current image height, when first displayed.<br /><br />Note: This value is measured in pixels.<br /><br /><b>Default: 250</b><br />', @gid, 7, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, NULL), ('LB - Image Fade Duration', 'ZEN_LIGHTBOX_IMAGE_FADE_DURATION', '400', '<br />Controls the fade duration of images.<br /><br />Note: This value is measured in milliseconds.<br /><br /><b>Default: 400</b><br />', @gid, 8, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, NULL), ('LB - Caption Animation Duration', 'ZEN_LIGHTBOX_CAPTION_ANIMATION_DURATION', '400', '<br />Controls the animation duration of the caption.<br /><br />Note: This value is measured in milliseconds.<br /><br /><b>Default: 400</b><br />', @gid, 9, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, NULL), ('LB - Display Image Counter', 'ZEN_LIGHTBOX_COUNTER', 'true', '<br />If true, the image counter will be displayed (below the caption of each image) within the lightbox.<br /><br /><b>Default: true</b>', @gid, 10, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''),'), ('LB - Close on Image Click', 'ZEN_LIGHTBOX_CLOSE_IMAGE', 'true', '<br />If true, the lightbox will close when the image being displaying is clicked.<br /><br /><b>Default: false</b>', @gid, 11, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''), '), ('LB - Close on Overlay Click', 'ZEN_LIGHTBOX_CLOSE_OVERLAY', 'false', '<br />If true, the lightbox will close when the overlay is clicked.<br /><br /><b>Default: false</b>', @gid, 12, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''), '), ('LB - Always show Prev / Next', 'ZEN_LIGHTBOX_PREV_NEXT', 'true', '<br />If true, the lightbox will always show Previous & Next buttons when using additional images. NOTE: This setting will be overwritten automatically when Close on Image Click is set to TRUE.<br /><br /><b>Default: false</b>', @gid, 13, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''), '), ('LB - Keyboard Navigation', 'ZEN_LIGHTBOX_KEYBOARD_NAVIGATION', 'true', '<br />If true, keyboard inputs will also be used to control the lightbox.<br /><br /><b>Default: true</b>', @gid, 14, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''), '), ('LB - Close Lightbox', 'ZEN_LIGHTBOX_ESCAPE_KEYS', '27,88,67', '<br />The lightbox will close when any of these keys are pressed.<br /><br />Note: Only <a href="" target="_blank">ASCII</a> decimal values should be entered and separated with a comma (if listing multiple values).<br /><br /><b>Default: 27,88,67</b><br />', @gid, 15, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, NULL), ('LB - Previous Image', 'ZEN_LIGHTBOX_PREVIOUS_KEYS', '37,80', '<br />The lightbox will display the previous image (if available) when any of these keys are pressed.<br /><br />Note: Only <a href="" target="_blank">ASCII</a> decimal values should be entered and separated with a comma (if listing multiple values).<br /><br /><b>Default: 37,80</b><br />', @gid, 16, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, NULL), ('LB - Next Image', 'ZEN_LIGHTBOX_NEXT_KEYS', '39,78', '<br />The lightbox will display the next image (if available) when any of these keys are pressed.<br /><br />Note: Only <a href="" target="_blank">ASCII</a> decimal values should be entered and separated with a comma (if listing multiple values).<br /><br /><b>Default: 39,78</b><br />', @gid, 17, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, NULL), ('LB - Gallery Mode', 'ZEN_LIGHTBOX_GALLERY_MODE', 'true', '<br />If true, the lightbox will allow additional images to quickly be displayed using previous and next buttons.<br /><br /><b>Default: true</b>', @gid, 18, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''),'), ('LB - Include Main Image in Gallery', 'ZEN_LIGHTBOX_GALLERY_MAIN_IMAGE', 'true', '<br />If true, the main product image will be included in the lightbox gallery.<br /><br /><b>Default: true</b>', @gid, 19, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''),'), ('LB - EZ-Pages Support', 'ZEN_LIGHTBOX_EZPAGES', 'true', '<br />If true, the lightbox effect will be used for linked images on all EZ-Pages.<br /><br /><b>Default: true</b>', @gid, 20, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''),'), ('LB - File Types', 'ZEN_LIGHTBOX_FILE_TYPES', 'jpg,png,gif', '<br />On EZ-Pages, the lightbox effect will be applied to all images with one of the following file types.<br /><br /><b>Default: jpg,png,gif</b><br />', @gid, 21, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, NULL); in /customers/0/4/d/ on line 101
          Zuletzt geändert von webchills; 07.09.2012, 09:13.


            Führe folgenden Befehl nicht über Admin > Tools > SQL Patches aus, sondern mit phpMyAdmin (ins Eingabefeld unter SQL kopieren und absenden):
            # Zen Lightbox Cleaner - 2012-09-07 - webchills
            DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'ZEN_LIGHTBOX_STATUS';
            DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'ZEN_LIGHTBOX_OVERLAY_OPACITY';
            DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'ZEN_LIGHTBOX_OVERLAY_FADE_DURATION';
            DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'ZEN_LIGHTBOX_RESIZE_DURATION';
            DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'ZEN_LIGHTBOX_RESIZE_TRANSITION';
            DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'ZEN_LIGHTBOX_INITIAL_WIDTH';
            DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'ZEN_LIGHTBOX_INITIAL_HEIGHT';
            DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'ZEN_LIGHTBOX_IMAGE_FADE_DURATION';
            DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'ZEN_LIGHTBOX_CAPTION_ANIMATION_DURATION';
            DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'ZEN_LIGHTBOX_COUNTER';
            DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'ZEN_LIGHTBOX_CLOSE_IMAGE';
            DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'ZEN_LIGHTBOX_CLOSE_OVERLAY';
            DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'ZEN_LIGHTBOX_PREV_NEXT';
            DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'ZEN_LIGHTBOX_KEYBOARD_NAVIGATION';
            DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'ZEN_LIGHTBOX_ESCAPE_KEYS';
            DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'ZEN_LIGHTBOX_PREVIOUS_KEYS';
            DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'ZEN_LIGHTBOX_NEXT_KEYS';
            DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'ZEN_LIGHTBOX_GALLERY_MODE';
            DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'ZEN_LIGHTBOX_GALLERY_MAIN_IMAGE';
            DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'ZEN_LIGHTBOX_EZPAGES';
            DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'ZEN_LIGHTBOX_FILE_TYPES';
            DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'ZEN_LIGHTBOX_STATUS';
            DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'ZEN_LIGHTBOX_OVERLAY_OPACITY';
            DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'ZEN_LIGHTBOX_OVERLAY_FADE_DURATION';
            DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'ZEN_LIGHTBOX_RESIZE_DURATION';
            DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'ZEN_LIGHTBOX_RESIZE_TRANSITION';
            DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'ZEN_LIGHTBOX_INITIAL_WIDTH';
            DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'ZEN_LIGHTBOX_INITIAL_HEIGHT';
            DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'ZEN_LIGHTBOX_IMAGE_FADE_DURATION';
            DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'ZEN_LIGHTBOX_CAPTION_ANIMATION_DURATION';
            DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'ZEN_LIGHTBOX_COUNTER';
            DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'ZEN_LIGHTBOX_CLOSE_IMAGE';
            DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'ZEN_LIGHTBOX_CLOSE_OVERLAY';
            DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'ZEN_LIGHTBOX_PREV_NEXT';
            DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'ZEN_LIGHTBOX_KEYBOARD_NAVIGATION';
            DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'ZEN_LIGHTBOX_ESCAPE_KEYS';
            DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'ZEN_LIGHTBOX_PREVIOUS_KEYS';
            DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'ZEN_LIGHTBOX_NEXT_KEYS';
            DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'ZEN_LIGHTBOX_GALLERY_MODE';
            DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'ZEN_LIGHTBOX_GALLERY_MAIN_IMAGE';
            DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'ZEN_LIGHTBOX_EZPAGES';
            DELETE FROM configuration_language WHERE configuration_key = 'ZEN_LIGHTBOX_FILE_TYPES';
            DELETE FROM configuration_group WHERE configuration_group_title = 'Zen Lightbox';
            DELETE FROM admin_pages WHERE page_key='configProdZenLightbox';
            Danach kopierst Du den Inhalt der install.sql wieder per phpMyAdmin ins Eingabefeld und installierst die Datenbankeinträge nochmal.


              wenn ich es unter php eingebe bekomme ich diese fehlermeldung:


              SQL query:
              ################################################## ########################
              # Zen Lightbox Cleaner - 2012-09-07 - webchills
              ################################################## ########################
              DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'ZEN_LIGHTBOX_STATUS';

              MySQL said:
              #1046 - No database selected


                soll ich jetzt trotztdem die install.sql über PHP einfügen ???



                  Du musst vorher schon zu der Datenbank wechseln, um die es geht:
                  Klicke auf die Grafik für eine vergrößerte Ansicht

Name: sql.jpg
Ansichten: 1
Größe: 159,5 KB
ID: 102834
                  Und dann erst auf SQL


                    uhhhhh. ..ich bin unwürdig.
                    hab das jetzt gemacht mit der Datenbank und dann kam aber das:


                    SQL query:
                    INSERT INTO configuration (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, last_modified, date_added, use_function, set_function) VALUES ('LB - Zen Lightbox', 'ZEN_LIGHTBOX_STATUS', 'true', '<br />If true, all product images on the following pages will be displayed within a lightbox:<br /><br />- document_general_info<br />- document_product_info<br />- page (EZ-Pages)<br />- product_free_shipping_info<br />- product_info<br />- product_music_info<br />- product_reviews<br />- product_reviews_info<br />- product_reviews_write<br /><br /><b>Default: true</b>', @gid, 1, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''), '), ('LB - Overlay Opacity', 'ZEN_LIGHTBOX_OVERLAY_OPACITY', '0.8', '<br />Controls the transparency of the overlay.<br /><br /><b>Default: 0.8</b>', @gid, 2, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(''0'', ''0.1'', ''0.2'', ''0.3'', ''0.4'', ''0.5'', ''0.6'', ''0.7'[...]
                    MySQL said:
                    #1062 - Duplicate entry 'ZEN_LIGHTBOX_STATUS' for key 'unq_config_key_zen'


                      HALT !!!!!!

                      ich glaub jetzt hat es geklappt.
                      habe wohl wieder erst versucht die install.sql einzufügen.
                      aber jetzt hat es ohne Fehlermeldung geklappt

                      Zuletzt geändert von kingmo; 07.09.2012, 10:12. Grund: schreibfehler


                        WARNING: An Error occurred, please refresh the page and try again insel senf dazu

                        ...gebe ich also auch noch meinen Senf dazu:

                        Ob jetzt alles läuft ist hier ja noch nicht mitgeteilt.

                        Ansich besagen die hier beschriebenen Fehlermeldungen lediglich
                        das die Einträge zu Zen Lightbox schon in der Datenbank vorhanden sind.
                        Das heißt alle Aktionen sind überflüssig gewesen - an der Datenbank hätte
                        nichts mehr verändert werden müssen.

                        Ein kleiner Hinweis dazu wenn in phpAdmin z.B. unter "Configuration" nicht gleich
                        ein Zen Lightbox Eintrag zu sehen ist. dann achtet mal ganz unten auf das
                        Klappmenü zur Seitenauswahl.

                        Also - Wenn die Lightbox dann immer noch nicht läuft kann man einerseits
                        in der Datenbak nachprüfen ob auch alles auf 'true' gesetzt ist, aber andererseits
                        liegt es meist eher an einem Kopierfehler - Dateien ins falsche Verzeichnis, Ordner
                        nicht in den Namen des eigenen/aktiven Templates umbenannt usw.

                        all the best


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                        Fehler in der Software können auf Github als Issues gemeldet werden.
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                        Zen Cart 1.5.7h deutsch
                        vom 15.04.2024