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Migration von Magento zu Zen Cart

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    Migration von Magento zu Zen Cart

    ich habe kürzlich Produkte, Kategorien, Kunden und Kundendaten von einem Magento-Shop zu Zen Cart 1.5.5 gehoben. Wenn jemand etwas ähnliches vorhaben sollte, könnten die SQL Schnipsel vielleicht hilfreich sein.
    # Erstelle in der Magento DB eine Tabelle 'AA_ZC_countries' und importiere die Daten aus der Zen Cart Datenbank Tabelle 'countries'
    # Create Views in der Magento Datenbank. ACHTUNG!!! Die ids musst Du vorher prüfen, ich kann nicht sagen ob die bei jeder Magento-Installation gleich sind; die meissten findest Du
    # in der Tabelle 'eav_attribute'. Wenn Du weitere Produkt-Daten wie z.B. Bilder übernehmen willst, musst Du die Abfrage erweitern.
    # OK? Dann los!
    # Products
    CREATE VIEW `products` AS
    SELECT DISTINCT `cpf1`.`entity_id` AS `products_id`,
    `cpf1`.`price` AS `products_price`,
    `cpf1`.`sku` AS `products_model`,
    `cpf1`.`created_at` AS `products_date_added`,
    `cpf1`.`updated_at` AS `products_last_modified`,
    `cpf1`.`weight` AS `products_weight`,
    `cpei`.`value` AS `manufacturers_id`,
    `ccp`.`category_id` AS `master_categories_id`,
    `cpev`.`value` AS `products_ean`
     FROM `catalog_product_flat_1` `cpf1`
     LEFT JOIN `catalog_category_product` `ccp` ON `cpf1`.`entity_id`=`ccp`.`product_id`
     LEFT JOIN `catalog_product_entity_int` `cpei` ON `cpf1`.`entity_id`=`cpei`.`entity_id` AND `cpei`.`attribute_id`='81'
     LEFT JOIN `catalog_product_entity_varchar` `cpev` ON `cpf1`.`entity_id`=`cpev`.`entity_id` AND `cpev`.`attribute_id`='136';
    CREATE VIEW `products_description` AS
    SELECT `cpet`.`entity_id` AS `products_id`,`cpet`.`value` AS `products_description`, `cpev`.`value` AS `products_name` FROM `catalog_product_entity_text` `cpet` LEFT JOIN `catalog_product_entity_varchar` `cpev` ON `cpev`.`entity_id`=`cpet`.`entity_id` AND `cpev`.`store_id`='0' AND `cpev`.`attribute_id`='82' WHERE `cpet`.`attribute_id`='72' AND `cpet`.`store_id`='0';
    # products_to_categories
    CREATE VIEW `products_to_categories` AS
    SELECT DISTINCT `category_id` AS `categories_id`, `product_id` AS `products_id` FROM `catalog_category_product`;
    # manufacturers
    CREATE VIEW `manufacturers` AS
    SELECT `option_id` AS `manufacturers_id`, `value` AS `manufacturers_name` FROM `eav_attribute_option_value` WHERE `store_id`='0' AND `value_id`>'1000';
    # categories
    CREATE VIEW `categories` AS
    SELECT `entity_id` AS `categories_id`, `parent_id`, `created_at` AS `date_added`, `updated_at` AS `last_modified`, `position` AS `sort_order` FROM `catalog_category_flat_store_1` WHERE `meta_keywords`!='';
    # categories_description
    CREATE VIEW `categories_description` AS
    SELECT `ccfs1`.`entity_id` AS `categories_id`,`ccfs1`.`name` AS `categories_name`, `ccet`.`value` AS `categories_description` FROM `catalog_category_flat_store_1` `ccfs1` LEFT JOIN `catalog_category_entity_text` `ccet` ON `ccfs1`.`entity_id`=`ccet`.`entity_id` AND `ccet`.`attribute_id`='44' AND `ccet`.`store_id`='0' WHERE `ccfs1`.`meta_keywords`!='';
    # meta_tags_categories_description
    CREATE VIEW `meta_tags_categories_description` AS
    SELECT DISTINCT `ccet`.`entity_id` AS `categories_id`,
    (SELECT `ccet1`.`value`FROM `catalog_category_entity_text` `ccet1` WHERE `ccet1`.`attribute_id`='47' AND `ccet1`.`entity_id`=`ccet`.`entity_id` AND `ccet1`.`value`!='' AND `ccet1`.`store_id`='1') AS `metatags_keywords`,
    (SELECT `ccet2`.`value`FROM `catalog_category_entity_text` `ccet2` WHERE `ccet2`.`attribute_id`='48' AND `ccet2`.`entity_id`=`ccet`.`entity_id` AND `ccet2`.`value`!='' AND `ccet2`.`store_id`='1') AS `metatags_description`,
    IF(`ccev`.`attribute_id`='41' , `ccev`.`value`, '') AS `metatags_title`
    FROM `catalog_category_entity_text` `ccet`
    LEFT JOIN `catalog_category_entity_varchar` `ccev` ON `ccev`.`entity_id`=`ccet`.`entity_id` AND `ccev`.`store_id`='1' AND `ccev`.`value`!='' AND `ccev`.`attribute_id`='41' WHERE `ccet`.`store_id`='1' AND `ccet`.`value`!='' AND (`ccet`.`attribute_id`='47' OR `ccet`.`attribute_id`='48');
    # meta_tags_products_description
    CREATE VIEW `meta_tags_products_description` AS
    SELECT DISTINCT `ccet`.`entity_id` AS `products_id`,
    (SELECT `ccet1`.`value`FROM `catalog_product_entity_text` `ccet1` WHERE `ccet1`.`attribute_id`='83' AND `ccet1`.`entity_id`=`ccet`.`entity_id` AND `ccet1`.`value`!='' AND `ccet1`.`store_id`='0') AS `metatags_keywords`,
    (SELECT `ccet2`.`value`FROM `catalog_product_entity_text` `ccet2` WHERE `ccet2`.`attribute_id`='73' AND `ccet2`.`entity_id`=`ccet`.`entity_id` AND `ccet2`.`value`!='' AND `ccet2`.`store_id`='0') AS `metatags_description`,
    IF(`ccev`.`attribute_id`='71' , `ccev`.`value`, '') AS `metatags_title`
    FROM `catalog_product_entity_text` `ccet`
    LEFT JOIN `catalog_product_entity_varchar` `ccev` ON `ccev`.`entity_id`=`ccet`.`entity_id` AND `ccev`.`store_id`='0' AND `ccev`.`value`!='' AND `ccev`.`attribute_id`='71' WHERE `ccet`.`store_id`='0' AND `ccet`.`value`!='' AND (`ccet`.`attribute_id`='83' OR `ccet`.`attribute_id`='73');
    # customers
    CREATE VIEW `customers` AS
    SELECT `c`.`entity_id` AS `customers_id`, `c`.`email` AS `customers_email_address`,
    (SELECT `fn`.`value` FROM `customer_entity_varchar` `fn` WHERE `c`.`entity_id` = `fn`.`entity_id` AND `fn`.`attribute_id` = '5') AS `customers_firstname`,
    (SELECT `fn`.`value` FROM `customer_entity_varchar` `fn` WHERE `c`.`entity_id` = `fn`.`entity_id` AND `fn`.`attribute_id` = '7') AS `customers_lastname`,
    (SELECT `fn`.`value` FROM `customer_address_entity_varchar` `fn` WHERE `ca`.`entity_id` = `fn`.`entity_id` AND `fn`.`attribute_id` = '31') AS `customers_telephone`,
    (SELECT `fn`.`value` FROM `customer_address_entity_varchar` `fn` WHERE `ca`.`entity_id` = `fn`.`entity_id` AND `fn`.`attribute_id` = '32') AS `customers_fax`
    FROM `customer_entity` AS `c` LEFT JOIN `customer_address_entity` AS `ca` ON `c`.`entity_id` = `ca`.`parent_id` LEFT JOIN `customer_address_entity_text` AS `cat` ON `cat`.`entity_id` = `ca`.`entity_id` GROUP BY `c`.`entity_id`;
    # address_book
    CREATE VIEW `address_book` AS
    SELECT `c`.`entity_id` AS `customers_id`,
    (SELECT `fn`.`value` FROM `customer_entity_varchar` `fn` WHERE `c`.`entity_id` = `fn`.`entity_id` AND `fn`.`attribute_id` = '24') AS `entry_company`,
    (SELECT `fn`.`value` FROM `customer_entity_varchar` `fn` WHERE `c`.`entity_id` = `fn`.`entity_id` AND `fn`.`attribute_id` = '5') AS `entry_firstname`,
    (SELECT `fn`.`value` FROM `customer_entity_varchar` `fn` WHERE `c`.`entity_id` = `fn`.`entity_id` AND `fn`.`attribute_id` = '7') AS `entry_lastname`,
    (SELECT `fn`.`value` FROM `customer_address_entity_text` `fn` WHERE `ca`.`entity_id` = `fn`.`entity_id` AND `fn`.`attribute_id` = '25') AS `entry_street_address`,
    (SELECT `fn`.`value` FROM `customer_address_entity_varchar` `fn` WHERE `ca`.`entity_id` = `fn`.`entity_id` AND `fn`.`attribute_id` = '30') AS `entry_postcode`,
    (SELECT `fn`.`value` FROM `customer_address_entity_varchar` `fn` WHERE `ca`.`entity_id` = `fn`.`entity_id` AND `fn`.`attribute_id` = '26') AS `entry_city`,
    (SELECT `fn`.`value` FROM `customer_address_entity_varchar` `fn` WHERE `ca`.`entity_id` = `fn.entity_id` AND `fn`.`attribute_id` = '28') AS `entry_state`,
    (SELECT `countries_id` FROM `AA_ZC_countries` WHERE `countries_iso_code_2`=(SELECT `fn`.`value` FROM `customer_address_entity_varchar` `fn` WHERE `ca`.`entity_id` = `fn`.`entity_id` AND `fn`.`attribute_id` = '27')) AS `entry_country_id`
    FROM `customer_entity` AS `c` LEFT JOIN `customer_address_entity` AS `ca` ON `c`.`entity_id` = `ca`.`parent_id` LEFT JOIN `customer_address_entity_text` AS `cat` ON `cat`.`entity_id` = `ca`.`entity_id` GROUP BY `c`.`entity_id`;
    # customers_info
    CREATE VIEW `customers_info` AS
    SELECT `entity_id` AS `customers_info_id`, `created_at` AS `customers_info_date_of_last_logon`, '1' AS `customers_info_number_of_logons`, `created_at` AS `customers_info_date_account_created`, `updated_at` AS `customers_info_date_account_last_modified`, '0' AS `global_product_notifications` FROM `customer_entity`;
    # Jetzt kannst Du die Views als Tabellen im PhpMyAdmin exportieren (einzeln, alle zusammen ging, jedenfalls bei mir, nicht)
    # und in die Zen Cart Datenbank importieren (auch mit PhpMyAdmin). Wenn die Daten schon einmal importiert wurden und sich geändert haben, benutze 'REPLACE'
    #Jetzt noch 'customers' mit 'address_book' verknüppern
    UPDATE `customers` SET `customers_default_address_id`= (SELECT `address_book_id` FROM `address_book` WHERE `customers`.`customers_id`=`address_book`.`customers_id`);
    # und Einträge ohne Adresse löschen.
    DELETE FROM `address_book` WHERE `entry_street_address`='';
    DELETE FROM `customers_info` WHERE `customers_info_id` NOT IN (SELECT `customers_id` FROM `address_book`);
    DELETE FROM `customers` WHERE `customers_id` NOT IN (SELECT `customers_id` FROM `address_book`);
    # Fertig!
    ... vielleicht hilft's
    Gruß Knut
Info zu diesem Forenarchiv:
Mit Release von 1.5.7 wurde die deutsche Zen Cart Version auf eine reine DIY-Lösung umgestellt.
Für einen Support via Forum stehen keine personellen und zeitlichen Ressourcen mehr zur Verfügung.
Dieses Supportforum bleibt im Nur-Lesen-Modus als Wissensarchiv noch online verfügbar.
PM Funktionalität, Registrierung und Posten neuer Beiträge sind deaktiviert.
Zugriff auf Anhänge in den Postings ist auch ohne Registrierung/Einloggen möglich.
FAQ und Downloadbereich des Forums wurden in die neue umfangreiche Knowledgebase auf der Website übernommen.

Das Development der deutschen Zen Cart Version geht wie bisher auf Github weiter.
Wir werden auch weiterhin neue Versionen bereitstellen und die Onlinedokumentation/Knowledgebase aktualisieren.
Fehler in der Software können auf Github als Issues gemeldet werden.
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Zen Cart 1.5.7h deutsch
vom 15.04.2024