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Nachnahme und versandkostenfreie Lieferung - Hilfe

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    Nachnahme und versandkostenfreie Lieferung - Hilfe

    habe Einheitliche Versandkosten und Nachnahme eingestellt.
    Ab einem Bestellwert x soll die Lieferung versandkostenfrei sein.
    Problem: Nachnahme kann nur bis zum Bestellwert x ausgeführt werden.
    Über den Betrag wird Nachnahme zwar angezeigt, aber diese wird nicht
    Evt. kann jemand helfen oder gibt es es hier im Forum eine kurze Info.
    Vielen Dank !

    du musst das nachnahme module umschreiben


    // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
    // |zen-cart Open Source E-commerce                                       |
    // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
    // | Copyright (c) 2003 The zen-cart developers                           |
    // |                                                                      |
    // | [url][/url]                                    |
    // |                                                                      |
    // | Portions Copyright (c) 2003 osCommerce                               |
    // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
    // | This source file is subject to version 2.0 of the GPL license,       |
    // | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is        |
    // | available through the world-wide-web at the following url:           |
    // | [url][/url].                             |
    // | If you did not receive a copy of the zen-cart license and are unable |
    // | to obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to       |
    // | [email][/email] so we can mail you a copy immediately.          |
    // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
    // $Id: cod.php 290 2004-09-15 19:48:26Z wilt $
      class cod {
        var $code, $title, $description, $enabled;
    // class constructor
        function cod() {
          global $order;
          $this->code = 'cod';
          $this->title = MODULE_PAYMENT_COD_TEXT_TITLE;
          $this->description = MODULE_PAYMENT_COD_TEXT_DESCRIPTION;
          $this->sort_order = MODULE_PAYMENT_COD_SORT_ORDER;
          $this->enabled = ((MODULE_PAYMENT_COD_STATUS == 'True') ? true : false);
          if ((int)MODULE_PAYMENT_COD_ORDER_STATUS_ID > 0) {
            $this->order_status = MODULE_PAYMENT_COD_ORDER_STATUS_ID;
          if (is_object($order)) $this->update_status();
    // class methods
        function update_status() {
          global $order, $db;
          if ( ($this->enabled == true) && ((int)MODULE_PAYMENT_COD_ZONE > 0) ) {
            $check_flag = false;
            $check = $db->Execute("select zone_id from " . TABLE_ZONES_TO_GEO_ZONES . " where geo_zone_id = '" . MODULE_PAYMENT_COD_ZONE . "' and zone_country_id = '" . $order->delivery['country']['id'] . "' order by zone_id");
            while (!$check->EOF) {
              if ($check->fields['zone_id'] < 1) {
                $check_flag = true;
              } elseif ($check->fields['zone_id'] == $order->delivery['zone_id']) {
                $check_flag = true;
            if ($check_flag == false) {
              $this->enabled = false;
    // disable the module if the order only contains virtual products
          if ($this->enabled == true) {
            if ($order->content_type != 'physical') {
              $this->enabled = false;
        function javascript_validation() {
          return false;
        function selection() {
          return array('id' => $this->code,
                       'module' => $this->title);
        function pre_confirmation_check() {
          return false;
        function confirmation() {
          return false;
        function process_button() {
          return false;
        function before_process() {
          return false;
        function after_process() {
          return false;
        function get_error() {
          return false;
        function check() {
          global $db;
          if (!isset($this->_check)) {
            $check_query = $db->Execute("select configuration_value from " . TABLE_CONFIGURATION . " where configuration_key = 'MODULE_PAYMENT_COD_STATUS'");
            $this->_check = $check_query->RecordCount();
          return $this->_check;
        function install() {
          global $db;
          $db->Execute("insert into " . TABLE_CONFIGURATION . " (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, set_function, date_added) values ('Enable Cash On Delivery Module', 'MODULE_PAYMENT_COD_STATUS', 'True', 'Do you want to accept Cash On Delivery payments?', '6', '1', 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'True\', \'False\'), ', now())");
          $db->Execute("insert into " . TABLE_CONFIGURATION . " (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, use_function, set_function, date_added) values ('Payment Zone', 'MODULE_PAYMENT_COD_ZONE', '0', 'If a zone is selected, only enable this payment method for that zone.', '6', '2', 'zen_get_zone_class_title', 'zen_cfg_pull_down_zone_classes(', now())");
          $db->Execute("insert into " . TABLE_CONFIGURATION . " (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, date_added) values ('Sort order of display.', 'MODULE_PAYMENT_COD_SORT_ORDER', '0', 'Sort order of display. Lowest is displayed first.', '6', '0', now())");
          $db->Execute("insert into " . TABLE_CONFIGURATION . " (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, set_function, use_function, date_added) values ('Set Order Status', 'MODULE_PAYMENT_COD_ORDER_STATUS_ID', '0', 'Set the status of orders made with this payment module to this value', '6', '0', 'zen_cfg_pull_down_order_statuses(', 'zen_get_order_status_name', now())");
        function remove() {
          global $db;
          $db->Execute("delete from " . TABLE_CONFIGURATION . " where configuration_key in ('" . implode("', '", $this->keys()) . "')");
        function keys() {
    Das is meine Datei mit der es funktioniert weis aber aus dem Stehgreif nicht was ich vor 3 Monaten umgeschrieben habe deswegen die ganze Datei.

    Gruß Christian


      toll - hat funktioniert.
      vielen Dank für die schnelle Hilfe


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      Mit Release von 1.5.7 wurde die deutsche Zen Cart Version auf eine reine DIY-Lösung umgestellt.
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      aktuelle version
      Zen Cart 1.5.7h deutsch
      vom 15.04.2024