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Dynamic Price Updater multilanguage

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    ich habe noch ein Probem mit dem Modul:
    bei Angeboten mit Attributen wird zuerst der Sonderangebotspreis in der Detail-Ansicht des Artikels angezeigt.
    Wähle ich jedoch eines der Attribute, dann springt die Preisansicht auf den regulären Preis um.
    Ich habe den Preis jedoch bei dem Artikel nicht attributsabhängig angegeben (Änderung für das Sonderangebot).
    Sobald ich die Detailansicht mit "zur Kasse" verlasse, wird dann wieder mit dem reduzierten Preis die Kaufabwicklung durchgeführt.

    Habt ihr eine Lösung, wie dieses kurze Umspringen auf den Normalpreis zu vermeiden ist?



      Fix für Tausendertrennzeichen mit Apostroph

      So, ich habe die Datei jscript_updater.php vom "Dynamic Price Updater Vers. 0.94 - 04.02.2009 by" angepasst. Mit dieser Version lassen sich auch Preisformatierungen, die einen Apostroph benötigen, berechnen.

      Ebenso kann ein " " zwischen Währung und Währungszeichen konfiguriert werden. Z.B. also CHF 1'500.00 oder 1'500.00 SFr. anstelle von CHF1,500.00 resp. 1,500.00SFr.

      Auch kann das Berechnen beim ersten laden der Seite abgestellt werden.

      Hier der Code dazu: (Aufgeteilt in zwei Beiträge - Ihr müsst den Code halt wieder aneineander hängen...)

      // Fix by to calculate with currency-formates like this: 1'500.00
      // This fix does not include the SideBox!!! Adjust SB if you need it.
      // All changes outlined with "tht fix". original code is commented out
      // Dynamic Price Updater Vers. 0.94 - 04.02.2009 by
      // Small module to dynamically update main price when the product has price altering attributes
      // (c) D Parry (Chrome) 2007 (
      // This module is free to distribute and use as long as the above copyright message is left in tact
      // Alterations are permitted but please let me know of any changes you make, specifically where incompatibility is concerned
      //modified by rpa-com: 
      //NEW: USE ZENCART DEFAULT  Decimal_Point, Thousands_Point
      // if attribute pictures used , Dynamic Price Updater don't find the label with attribut prices
      Attribute Style for Radio Buttons/Checkbox" :
      Image Styles:
      0= Images Below Option Names #WORK#
      1= Element, Image and Option Value #WORK#
      2= Element, Image and Option Name Below #WORK#
      3= Option Name Below Element and Image #WORK#
      4= Element Below Image and Option Name #DO NOT WORK# LABEL CAN'T FOUND
      5= Element Above Image and Option Name #WORK#
      //To correct the issue with Lightbox (assuming that is the issue) I modified the jscript_updater.php as follows:
      //There are two places in the code that check if: (prArr[i] !== null)
      //I changed these two instances to: (prArr[i] == '')
      // some contstant declarations
      // text files declarations:  includes/languages/YOURLANGUAGE/jscript_updater.php
      <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
      // <![CDATA[
      var objPrice, origPrice;
      var defaultCurrencyLeft, defaultCurrencyRight, defaultDecimal_Point, defaultThousands_Point;
      defaultCurrencyLeft = defaultCurrencyRight = defaultDecimal_Point = defaultThousands_Point = '';
      var quantity = false; // do not alter this // NICHT ÄNDERN
      var showQuantity = false; // show the quantity the customer has requested in the main price header // Soll hinter dem geänderten Preis in Klammern die Anzahl der ausgewählten Artikel angezeigt werden? Mögliche Werte: true oder false
      var showQuantitySB = false; // show the quantity the customer has requested in the sidebox // Falls Sidebox aktiv: Soll hinter dem geänderten Preis in der Sidebox in Klammern die Anzahl der ausgewählten Artikel angezeigt werden? Mögliche Werte: true oder false
      var prArr = nameArr = new Array(); // holds an array of prices to be adjusted (for multiple price adjustments)
      var _oflag = false; // do not alter this // NICHT ÄNDERN
      // tht fix: 
      var onloadPriceUpdate = false; //price header update on loading page //Soll der angezeigte Preis direkt beim Seitenaufruf aktuallisiert werden? ja: true / nein: false
      var spaceCurrency = "&nbsp;"; // is there a space between amount and currency? // Leerzeichen zwischen Betrag und Wärung? "&nbsp;" or ""
      //var seeker = new RegExp(/\(\s*([+-]?)([^0-9]*)([0-9,]+\.[0-9]+)([^0-9)]*)\s*\)/);
      //var seeker = new RegExp(/\(\s*([+-]?)([^0-9.,]*)([0-9]+[.,]?[0-9]*)\s*([^0-9)]*)\s*\)/);
      // tht fix:
      var seeker = new RegExp(/\(\s*([+-]?)([^0-9.,']*)([0-9]+[.,']?[0-9]+[.,']?[0-9]*)\s*([^0-9)]*)\s*\)/);
      // Updater sidebox settings - Falls die zusätzliche Sidebox verwendet werden soll (nur mit Zen-Cart 1.3.7 möglich!)
      //var _sidebox = 'manufacturers'; // set this to: false - don't use or the ID of the sidebox you want the display to insert above (must be exact)
      var _sidebox = false; // Mögliche Werte: false - keine Sidebox // oder ID der Sidebox, über der die Preisberechnungsbox erscheinen soll, z.B. information oder categories
      var objSB = false; // this holds the sidebox object
      // Second price setting // Soll ein zusätzlicher zweiter Preis angezeigt werden? 
      // the following settings allow a second price to be displayed... if a page is very long this allows you to add another price display
      // thanks to Ryk on the Zen Cart forums for the idea and pointing out the issue
      var _secondPrice = false; //'cartAdd'; // set this to either false for disabled or supply the ID of an element for the price to appear BEFORE... for example, cartAdd // Mögliche Werte: false - keine zusätzliche Anzeige // oder die ID eines Elements vor dem der Zusatzpreis angezeigt werden soll, z.B. cartAdd
      var _SPDisplay = 'update'; // governs the behaviour of the second... 'always' permanently displays and 'update' shows the second price only when an attribute is selected // Soll der Zusatzpreis immer angezeigt werden oder nur bei Auswahl eines Attributs? Mögliche Werte: always - immer anzeigen // oder update - nur bei Attributauswahl
      var objSP = false; // please don't adjust this // NICHT ÄNDERN
      // debug settings // Gibt Fehlermeldungen zum Troubleshooting aus
      var _debug = true; //true; // set to false to disable debug output // Mögliche Werte: true oder false
      var _db = '';
      var _dbdiv = false;
      var germantaxaddon = false; //SUPPORT FOR GERMAN TAX ADDON - set to false to disable // NUR FÜR DEUTSCHE SHOPS MIT TAXADDON  - sonst auf false setzen
      var taxaddon_class ='taxAddon' //NAME OF CLASS // Name der Spanklasse, bei Bedarf anpassen
      var taxaddon = ''; // please don't adjust this // NICHT ÄNDERN
      function find_label(objlab) { //FIX: ATTRIBUTE PICTURES by
          var Zaehler = 1;
          objlab = objlab.nextSibling;
          while (objlab.nodeName != "LABEL" && Zaehler <= 3) {
              objlab = objlab.nextSibling;                
          if (Zaehler == 3) {
              //alert ('- label not find');
              return ''; //'- label not find';
          } else {
              return objlab;
      function init() { // discover the selects that are required to adjust the main price
          var centre = document.getElementById('productGeneral');
          var objSel = centre.getElementsByTagName('SELECT');
          var objInp = centre.getElementsByTagName('INPUT');
          var db = '';
          var _flag = false; // flag to decide if a load of attribute information is needed
          if (!_oflag)    { // get the base price and the quantity box (if it exists)
              // firstly find out if debug messages should be shown
              if (_debug === true) { // build the div that will hold debug messages
              if (_secondPrice !== false && _SPDisplay == 'always') {
                  regdb('SP Onload', 'Type: ' + _SPDisplay);
              // quantity box
              var qtemp = document.getElementById('cartAdd');
              if (qtemp) { // got the containing div... go for the quantity!
                  var itemp = qtemp.getElementsByTagName('INPUT');
                  if (itemp) { // make sure some inputs are available to scan
                      for (var i=0; itemp[i]; i++) {
                          if (itemp[i].name == 'cart_quantity') { // we have the input we need
                              quantity = itemp[i].value;
                              regdb('Onload quantity', 'Cart add INPUT discovered (' + quantity + ')');
                              itemp[i].onkeyup = function () { adjQuan(this); }
              // if quantity is still false we'll assign it a value of 1
              if (quantity === false)    quantity = 1;
              //NEW ### FIND THE DISPLAYED PRICE ###  by        
              var displayed_price = document.getElementById('productPrices');
              if (!(temp = displayed_price.getElementsByTagName('SPAN')[0])) { //CHECK FOR SPECIAL PRICE 
                  //alert ('NO SPAN');
                  var products_price= displayed_price.innerHTML;            
              } else {
                  //alert ('SPAN - SPECIAL PRICE');
                  regdb('Onload sale', 'Looks like an item on sale');
                  var temp = displayed_price.getElementsByTagName('SPAN');
                  for (var i=0; temp[i]; i++) {                
                      if (temp[i].className == 'productSpecialPrice'){
                          var products_price = temp[i].innerHTML;                    
                  //GERMAN TAXADDON    
                  if(germantaxaddon) { 
                      for (var i=0; temp[i]; i++) {
                          if (temp[i].className == taxaddon_class){                                     
                              regdb('Find taxAddon', temp[i].innerHTML);
                              var mwst = temp[i].innerHTML.match(/\d+\.?\d*/gi)[0]; //Extrahiert Mwst Wert
                              taxaddon = '<?echo(VAT_SHOW_TEXT);?>';                        
                              taxaddon = taxaddon.replace('%s', mwst + "%");
                              regdb('Show span class taxaddon', taxaddon);
                              if (!products_price) {
                                  var products_price = displayed_price.innerHTML.replace(temp[i].innerHTML,'');
                                  regdb('Price without taxaddon', products_price);
                  //END GERMAN TAXADDON                
      //        if (products_price) origPrice = Number(products_price.match(/([0-9,.]+)/g)[0].replace(/,/g, '').replace(/\./g, ''));
      // tht fix:
              if (products_price) origPrice = Number(products_price.match(/([0-9',.]+)/g)[0].replace(/'/g, '').replace(/,/g, '').replace(/\./g, ''));
              var db = '';
              if (!origPrice) {
                  db = 'Price not found!';
                  regdb('Initial phase failure', db);
              } else {
                  db= origPrice;            
                  regdb('Onload base price', db);
              // Find the default currency symbols        
      //        var temp = '<?php echo $currencies->format(1000.00);?>'; //NEW: USE ZENCART CURRENCIES FORMAT
      // tht fix:
              var temp = "<?php echo $currencies->format(1000.00);?>"; //NEW: USE ZENCART CURRENCIES FORMAT
      //        regdb('Currencies Format', tempdp);
      // tht fix:
              regdb('Currencies Format', temp);
      //        temp= products_price.match(/s*([^0-9 ]*)([0-9.,]+)(.*)/); //OLD: origHTML.match(/.*:\s*([^0-9 ]*)([0-9.,]+)(.*)/);    
      // tht fix:
              temp= products_price.match(/s*([^0-9 ]*)([0-9.,']+)(.*)/); //OLD: origHTML.match(/.*:\s*([^0-9 ]*)([0-9.,]+)(.*)/);    
              defaultCurrencyLeft = temp[1];
              db = 'Left: ' + defaultCurrencyLeft;
              defaultCurrencyRight = temp[3];
              db += ' - Right: ' + defaultCurrencyRight;            
              regdb('Onload default currency locator', db);    
              //NEW: FIND defaultDecimal_Point        
      //        var tempdp = '<?php echo $currencies->format(0.00);?>';        
      // tht fix:
              var tempdp = "<?php echo $currencies->format(0.00);?>";        
      //        tempdp = tempdp.match(/([0-9,.]+)/g)[0];     
      // tht fix:
              tempdp = tempdp.match(/([0-9',.]+)/g)[0];     
              regdb('Price Format', tempdp);
              defaultDecimal_Point = tempdp.match(/([,.']+)/g)[0];
              regdb('defaultDecimal_Point', defaultDecimal_Point);
              //NEW: FIND defaultThousands_Point        
      //        var temptp = '<?php echo $currencies->format(1000);?>';        
      // tht fix:
              var temptp = "<?php echo $currencies->format(1000);?>";        
      //        temptp = temptp.match(/([0-9,.]+)/g)[0];     
      // tht fix:
              temptp = temptp.match(/([0-9',.]+)/g)[0];     
              regdb('Price Format', temptp);
      //        defaultThousands_Point = temptp.match(/([,.]+)/g)[0];
      // tht fix:
              defaultThousands_Point = temptp.match(/([',.]+)/g)[0];
              regdb('defaultThousands_Point', defaultThousands_Point);
          for (var i=0; objSel[i]; i++) {
              var _this = objSel[i];
              objSel[i].onchange = function () { updatePrice(this); }
              db = 'Name - ' + objSel[i].name + ' : ID - ' + objSel[i].id;
              // scan the attributes to find out if any adjustments are needed
              var matches = objSel[i][objSel[i].selectedIndex].text.match(seeker);
              if (matches) { // yep
                  db += ' - Adjusted!';
                  prArr[objSel[i].id] = new Array();
                  //prArr[objSel[i].id]['p'] = Number(matches[3].replace(/,/, '')); // push the value onto the stack
      //            prArr[objSel[i].id]['p'] = Number(matches[3].replace(/,/, '').replace(/\./, '')); 
      // tht fix:
                  prArr[objSel[i].id]['p'] = Number(matches[3].replace(/'/, '').replace(/,/, '').replace(/\./, '')); 
                  prArr[objSel[i].id]['n'] = objSel[i][objSel[i].selectedIndex].text.replace(seeker, '');
                  prArr[objSel[i].id]['m'] = matches[1]; // mode indicator
                  prArr[objSel[i].id]['l'] = matches[2]; // left side currency indeicator
                  prArr[objSel[i].id]['r'] = matches[4]; // the right side currency indicator
                  _flag = true;
              regdb ('Onload SELECT', db);
          for (var i=0; objInp[i]; i++) {
              if (objInp[i].type == 'radio' || objInp[i].type == 'checkbox') { // make sure we're dealing with radio boxes
                  db = 'Name - ' + objInp[i].name + ' : ID - ' + objInp[i].id;                         
                  var temp = find_label(objInp[i]); //FIND THE LABEL by        
                  matches = temp.innerHTML.match(seeker);    //matches = objInp[i].nextSibling.innerHTML.match(seeker);
                  //db += matches;
                  if (matches) {
                      db += ' : Adjusted!';
                      objInp[i].onclick = function () { updateR(this); }
                      if (objInp[i].checked)    updateR(objInp[i]);
              regdb('Onload RAD/CH', db);
      //    if (_flag  && !_oflag)    {
      //        updatePriceNow();
      //    }
      // fix tht um den Update beim ersten Laden zu verhindern
          if (onloadPriceUpdate) {
              if (_flag  && !_oflag)    {
          } else {
          onloadPriceUpdate = true;
      // end fix
          if (_oflag === true)    regdb('Onload', '--- End of loading procedures ---');
          _oflag = true;


        und der zweite Teil:

        function updSP() {
            // adjust the second price display; create the div if necessary
            var flag = false; // error tracking flag
            if (_secondPrice !== false) { // second price is active
                var centre = document.getElementById('productGeneral');
                var temp = document.getElementById('productPrices');
                var itemp = document.getElementById(_secondPrice);
                if (objSP === false) { // create the second price object
                    if (!temp || !itemp)    flag = true;
                    if (!flag) {
                        objSP = temp.cloneNode(true);
               = + 'Second';
                        regdb('updSP', 'Price node cloned!');
                        if (!itemp.parentNode.insertBefore(objSP, itemp.nextSibling)) {
                            regdb('updSP', 'Unable to insert node at point ' + _secondPrice);
                        } else {
                            regdb('updSP', 'Node inserted successfully');
                    } else {
                        regdb('updSP', 'Unable to clone price node!');
                regdb('updSP', 'Duplicating price, by jove!');
                objSP.innerHTML = temp.innerHTML;
            } else { // second price inactive
                regdb('updSP', 'Cancelled');
        function adjQuan(objInp) {
            // adjust the global cart quantity for multiplication
            var newVal = Number(objInp.value.match(/[0-9]+/g));
            quantity = newVal;
            regdb('Quantity change', newVal);
            if (_sidebox !== false && objSB === false)    createSB();
            if (objSB !== false)    updateSB(); // update the sidebox
        function updateR(objInp) {
            var temp = find_label(objInp); //FIND THE LABEL by            
            var matches = temp.innerHTML.match(seeker);
            //var matches = objInp.nextSibling.innerHTML.match(seeker);
            var priceAdj, totalAdj = 0;
            var flag = false;
            var db = '';
            if (matches) { // make sure this attribute is price-adjust-worthy
                db += '*Adj* - ';
                //priceAdj = Number(matches[3].replace(/,/g, '')); // Number(matches[0].match(/[0-9.]+/)[0]);
        //        priceAdj = Number(matches[3].replace(/,/g, '').replace(/\./g, '')); // Number(matches[0].match(/[0-9.]+/)[0]);
        // tht fix:
                priceAdj = Number(matches[3].replace(/'/g, '').replace(/,/g, '').replace(/\./g, '')); // Number(matches[0].match(/[0-9.]+/)[0]);
            } else {
                db += '*No adj* - ';
                priceAdj = 0;
            if (objInp.type == 'radio') {
                // the radio type input can be inserted into the array using its name as a reference as radio boxes are mutually
                // exclusive in their group
                db += 'Radio - Name: ' + + ' - ';
                prArr[] = new Array();
                prArr[]['p'] = priceAdj; // push the price adjustment into the array referenced by the ID of the calling select        
                //prArr[]['n'] = objInp.nextSibling.innerHTML.replace(seeker, '');
                prArr[]['n'] = temp.innerHTML.replace(seeker, ''); //by
                prArr[]['m'] = matches[1];
                prArr[]['l'] = matches[2]; // left side currency indeicator
                prArr[]['r'] = matches[4]; // the right side currency indicator
                db += 'Price adjust: ' + priceAdj + ' - Mode: ' + matches[1];
            } else {
                // checkboxes are always autonomous so can have multiple selections from a group so use the ID as before
                if (objInp.checked) {
                    db += 'Checkbox - ID: ' + + ' - ';
                    prArr[] = new Array();
                    prArr[]['p'] = priceAdj; // push the price adjustment into the array referenced by the ID of the calling select
                    //prArr[]['n'] = objInp.nextSibling.innerHTML.replace(seeker, ''); // attribute name, price removed
                    prArr[]['n'] = temp.innerHTML.replace(seeker, ''); //by rpa-comde  // attribute name, price removed 
                    prArr[]['m'] = matches[1]; // the mode (+, - or base) of the attribute
                    prArr[]['l'] = matches[2]; // left side currency indeicator
                    prArr[]['r'] = matches[4]; // the right side currency indicator
                    db += 'Price adjust: ' + priceAdj + ' - Mode: ' + matches[1];
                } else {
                    prArr[] = null;
                    db = 'Checkbox ID ' + + ' is now NULL';
            regdb('updateR', db);
        function updatePrice(objSel) { // update the main price from the value extracted by the regex
            var matches = objSel[objSel.selectedIndex].text.match(seeker);
            var priceAdj, totalAdj = 0;
            var db = '';
            if (matches) { // make sure this attribute is price-adjust-worthy
                db = '*Adj* - ';
                //priceAdj = Number(matches[3].replace(/,/g, ''));
        //        priceAdj = Number(matches[3].replace(/,/g, '').replace(/\./g, '')); 
        // tht fix:
                priceAdj = Number(matches[3].replace(/'/g, '').replace(/,/g, '').replace(/\./g, '')); 
            } else {
                db = '*No adj* - ';
                priceAdj = 0;
            if (matches)    {
                prArr[] = new Array();
                prArr[]['p'] = priceAdj; // push the price adjustment into the array referenced by the ID of the calling select
                prArr[]['n'] = objSel[objSel.selectedIndex].text.replace(seeker, '');
                prArr[]['m'] = matches[1];
                prArr[]['l'] = matches[2] + spaceCurrency; // left side currency indeicator
        //        prArr[]['r'] = matches[4]; // the right side currency indicator
        // tht fix: (I do add a &nbsp;)
                prArr[]['r'] = spaceCurrency + matches[4]; // the right side currency indicator
        //        db += 'ID: ' + + ' - Price adjust: ' + priceAdj + ' - Mode: ' + matches[1];
        // tht debug fix:
                db += 'ID: ' + + ' - Price adjust: ' + priceAdj + ' - Mode: ' + matches[1] + ' Currency: ' + matches[4];
            } else {
                prArr[] = null;
                db = 'SELECT ID ' + + ' is now NULL';
            regdb('updatePrice', db);
        function updatePriceNow() { // update the price display
            var totalAdj = 0;
            var db = '';
            var l = defaultCurrencyLeft;
            var r = defaultCurrencyRight;
            for (var i in prArr) {
                if (prArr[i]=='') { //if (prArr[i] !== null) {
                    l = (prArr[i]['l'] == '' || typeof(prArr[i]['l']) == 'undefined' ? defaultCurrencyLeft : prArr[i]['l']);
                    r = (prArr[i]['r'] == '' ? defaultCurrencyRight : prArr[i]['r']);
                    db = 'Item: ' + prArr[i]['n'] + ' - ';
                    switch (true) { // adjust the price according to its given mode
                        case prArr[i]['m'] == '+': // add the attribute price to the base price
                            db += 'Mode: Add';
                            db += ' - totalAdj: ' + totalAdj + ' - Adding ' + prArr[i]['p'];
                            totalAdj += prArr[i]['p'];
                        case prArr[i]['m'] == '-': // subtract the attribute price from the base
                            db += 'Mode: Subtract';
                            db += ' - totalAdj: ' + totalAdj + ' - Subtracting ' + prArr[i]['p'];
                            totalAdj -= prArr[i]['p'];
                        case prArr[i]['m'] == '': // this means the attribute actually replaces the base price
                            db += 'Mode: Base';
                            db += ' - Altering base to ' + prArr[i]['p'];
                            origPrice = prArr[i]['p'];
                    regdb('updatePriceNow', db);
            var newPrice = ((origPrice + totalAdj) * quantity / 100).toFixed(2);
            document.getElementById('productPrices').innerHTML = '<?php echo UPDATER_PREFIX_TEXT; ?>' + l + addCommas(newPrice) + r + (showQuantity ? ' (' + quantity + ')' : '') + taxaddon;
            if (_sidebox !== false && objSB === false)    createSB();
            if (objSB !== false)    updateSB(); // update the sidebox
        function createSB() { // create the sidebox for the attributes info display
            if (_sidebox !== false) {
                var temp = document.getElementById(_sidebox); // get a handle to the sidebox to insertBefore
                if (temp) {
                    objSB = document.createElement('DIV'); // create the sidebox wrapper
           = 'updaterSB';
                    objSB.className = 'leftBoxContainer'; // set the CSS reference
                    // create the heading bit
                    var tempH = document.createElement('H3');
           = 'updateSBHeading';
                    tempH.className = 'leftBoxHeading';
                    tempH.innerHTML = '<?php echo UPDATER_SB_TITLE; ?>';
                    // create the content div
                    var tempC = document.createElement('DIV');
           = 'updaterSBContent';
                    tempC.className = 'sideBoxContent';
                    tempC.innerHTML = 'If you can read this Chrome has broken something';
                    temp.parentNode.insertBefore(objSB, temp);
                    regdb('createSB', 'Sidebox created!');
                } else {
                    regdb('createSB', 'Sidebox could not be created!');
        function updateSB() { // update the contents of the sidebox with the updated info from the attributes selector
            var newText = hText = '';
            var l = defaultCurrencyLeft;
            var r = defaultCurrencyRight;
            var totalAdj = origPrice;
            for (var i in prArr) {
                if (prArr[i]=='') { //if (prArr[i] !== null) {
                    l = (prArr[i]['l'] == '' || typeof(prArr[i]['l']) == 'undefined' ? defaultCurrencyLeft : prArr[i]['l']);
                    r = (prArr[i]['r'] == '' ? defaultCurrencyRight : prArr[i]['r']);
                    if (prArr[i]['m'] !== null && prArr[i]['m'] != '')    {
                        if (prArr[i]['m'] == '-')    newText += '<span style="color: red;">';
                        newText += prArr[i]['n'] + (prArr[i]['p'] != 0 ? ' - ' + (showQuantitySB ? quantity + 'x ' : '') + prArr[i]['l'] + prArr[i]['p'].toFixed(2) + prArr[i]['r']: '') + '<br/>';
                        if (prArr[i]['m'] == '-')    newText += '<\/span>';
                        switch (true) { // adjust the price according to its given mode
                            case prArr[i]['m'] == '+': // add the attribute price to the base price
                                totalAdj += prArr[i]['p'];
                            case prArr[i]['m'] == '-': // subtract the attribute price from the base
                                totalAdj -= prArr[i]['p'];
                            case prArr[i]['m'] == '': // this means the attribute actually replaces the base price
                                origPrice = prArr[i]['p'];
            hText += '<?php echo UPDATER_BASIS; ?>' + (showQuantitySB ? quantity + 'x ' : '') + l + addCommas(origPrice.toFixed(2)) + r + '<br/>';
            newText += '<hr /><?php echo UPDATER_TOTAL; ?>' + l + addCommas((totalAdj * quantity).toFixed(2)) + r;
            // I know innerHTML is cheating but I careth not :)
            objSB.getElementsByTagName('DIV')[0].innerHTML = hText + newText;
        function addCommas(nStr) //modified by  - use defaultDecimal_Point, defaultThousands_Point
        { // this function can be found at
            nStr += '';
            var x = nStr.split('.');
            var x1 = x[0];
            var x2 = x.length > 1 ? defaultDecimal_Point + x[1] : ''; //NEW by //'.'
            var rgx = /(\d+)(\d{3})/;
            while (rgx.test(x1)) {
                x1 = x1.replace(rgx, '$1' + defaultThousands_Point + '$2'); // NEW by //','
            return x1 + x2;    
        function createdb () {
            var centre = document.getElementById('productGeneral');
            if (_dbdiv === false) {
                _dbdiv = document.createElement('DIV');
       = '2px dashed #666';
       = '0.1em';
            _dbdiv.innerHTML = '<div style="cursor: pointer; width: 100%; text-align: center; margin-bottom: 5px; background-color: #aaa; padding: 1px; font-size: 110%; font-weight: bold;" onclick="createdb();">Debug messages<\/div>';
        function regdb(strTitle, strText) { // simple routine to format and output the debug messages
            if (_debug === true) { // make sure debug messages should be displayed
                _dbdiv.innerHTML += '<div style="margin: 2px 0; background-color: #ddd; border-top: 1px solid #aaa; border-bottom: 1px solid #aaa;"><span style="font-weight: bold;">' + strTitle + ':<\/span> ' + strText + '<\/div>';
        // the following statements should allow multiple onload handlers to be applied
        // I know this type of event registration is technically deprecated but I decided to use it because I haven't before
        // There shouldn't be any fallout from the downsides of this method as only a single function is registered (and in the bubbling phase of each model)
        // For backwards compatibility I've included the traditional DOM registration method
        try { // the IE event registration model
            window.attachEvent('onload', init);
        } catch (e) { // W3C event registration model
            window.addEventListener('load', init, false);
        } finally {
            window.onload = init;
        // ]]></script>


          Dynamic Price Updater - Neue Version


          ich habe den Dynamic Price Updater komplett überarbeitet.

          Dabei habe ich den JavaSript Code auf das Nötigste beschränkt.

          Alle relevanten Infos holt sich das Modul jetzt direkt aus der ZenCart Datenbank, dadurch entfallen alle komplizierten HTML Javascript-Abfragen.

          Den berechneten Ausgabepreis kann jeder nach seinen Vorstellungen layoutmäßig anpassen. In der neuen Version wird der Artikelpreis nicht mehr ersetzt, sondern der berechnete Preis zusätzlich angezeigt. Durch Änderung der css-Styles kann man aber auch den Artikelpreis überschreiben.

          Wer das neue Modul testen möchte, sendet mir bitte ein PM mit seiner Emailadresse.

          Gruss Web28



            Ich würde das Modul Dynamic Price Updater gern testen.


            Zuletzt geändert von webchills; 30.03.2010, 08:04. Grund: Email entfernt


              Um Dich vor Spam zu bewahren, habe ich die Emailadresse entfernt.
              Gemeint war, eine PM zu senden (Forumfunktion in Deinem Kontrollzentrum).
              Das ist aber gar nicht nötig, weil dieses Modul im Downloadbereich verfügbar ist:


              Info zu diesem Forenarchiv:
              Mit Release von 1.5.7 wurde die deutsche Zen Cart Version auf eine reine DIY-Lösung umgestellt.
              Für einen Support via Forum stehen keine personellen und zeitlichen Ressourcen mehr zur Verfügung.
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              FAQ und Downloadbereich des Forums wurden in die neue umfangreiche Knowledgebase auf der Website übernommen.

              Das Development der deutschen Zen Cart Version geht wie bisher auf Github weiter.
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              Fehler in der Software können auf Github als Issues gemeldet werden.
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              Zen Cart 1.5.7h deutsch
              vom 15.04.2024