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Modul für Schlagschatten unter den Bildern

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    Modul für Schlagschatten unter den Bildern


    Gibt es ne Möglichkeit ein Modul einzubinden welches automatisch bei uploadeten Bildern einen Schlagschatten hinzufügt? Brauch man hierzu ev. die GD2 Library installiert?

    Hi X

    ich glaube dafür brauchst ein Fotobearbeitungsprogram
    es gibt zwar module für watermark und bildgrössen anpassen aber so was wie schlagschatten hinzufügen habe ich bis jetzt noch nicht gesehn



      Das ist ja eben das Problem. Ich möchte nicht bei jedem Bild manuell noch einen Schlagschatten hinzufügen...Ich werd mich mal umsehen :-]


        schau mal das Modul

        hier an das müsste es können!


          Hi chrischnian

          das modul kann watermark und die bilder in verschiedenen grössen speichern kann aber keine schlagschatten hinzufügen



            Ups dachte das kann es auch.

            Ok Tschuldigung!!


              Schlagschatten erstellen für Bilder mit GDlib


              Etwas dementsprechendes habe ich in XTcommerce gesehen, womit man Bilder mit diesen und anderen Spielereinen versauen kann....HiHiHi
              Dies wird mit hilfe des internen GDlib 2 bewerkstelligt, den ich hier mal poste:

              //ANFANG image_manipulator_GD2

              /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              $Id: image_manipulator.php,v 1.5 2004/03/16 19:24:49 fanta2k Exp $

              Third Party contributions:
              class thumbnail - proportional thumbnails with manipulations by
              You find more great scripts and some information at

              Released under the GNU General Public License

              class image_manipulation

              function image_manipulation($resource_file, $max_width, $max_height, $destination_file="", $compression=IMAGE_QUALITY, $transform="")
              $this->a = $resource_file; // image to be thumbnailed
              $this->c = $transform;
              $this->d = $destination_file; // thumbnail saved to
              $this->e = $compression; // compression ration for jpeg thumbnails
              $this->m = $max_width;
              $this->n = $max_height;

              if($this->c !== "")
              function compile()
              $this->h = getimagesize($this->a);
              $this->i = $this->h[0];
              $this->j = $this->h[1];
              $this->k = $this->h[2];

              if($this->m == '0'){
              $this->z = ($this->j / $this->n);
              $this->m = ($this->i / $this->z);

              $this->o = ($this->i / $this->m);
              $this->p = ($this->j / $this->n);
              $this->q = ($this->o > $this->p) ? $this->m : round($this->i / $this->p); // width
              $this->r = ($this->o > $this->p) ? round($this->j / $this->o) : $this->n; // height
              $this->s = ($this->k < 4) ? ($this->k < 3) ? ($this->k < 2) ? ($this->k < 1) ? Null : imagecreatefromgif($this->a) : imagecreatefromjpeg($this->a) : imagecreatefrompng($this->a) : Null;
              if($this->s !== Null)
              $this->t = imagecreatetruecolor($this->q, $this->r); // created thumbnail reference
              $this->u = imagecopyresampled($this->t, $this->s, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->q, $this->r, $this->i, $this->j);

              function hex2rgb($hex_value)
              $this->decval = hexdec($hex_value);
              return $this->decval;
              function bevel($edge_width=10, $light_colour="FFFFFF", $dark_colour="000000")
              $this->edge = $edge_width;
              $this->dc = $dark_colour;
              $this->lc = $light_colour;
              $this->dr = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->dc,0,2));
              $this->dg = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->dc,2,2));
              $this->db = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->dc,4,2));
              $this->lr = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->lc,0,2));
              $this->lg = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->lc,2,2));
              $this->lb = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->lc,4,2));
              $this->dark = @imagecreate($this->q,$this->r);
              $this->nadir = @imagecolorallocate($this->dark,$this->dr,$this->dg,$this->db);
              $this->light = @imagecreate($this->q,$this->r);
              $this->zenith = @imagecolorallocate($this->light,$this->lr,$this->lg,$this->lb);
              for($this->pixel = 0; $this->pixel < $this->edge; $this->pixel++)
              $this->opac = 100 - (($this->pixel+1) * (100 / $this->edge));
              function greyscale($rv=38, $gv=36, $bv=26)
              $this->rv = $rv;
              $this->gv = $gv;
              $this->bv = $bv;
              $this->rt = $this->rv+$this->bv+$this->gv;
              $this->rr = ($this->rv == 0) ? 0 : 1/($this->rt/$this->rv);
              $this->br = ($this->bv == 0) ? 0 : 1/($this->rt/$this->bv);
              $this->gr = ($this->gv == 0) ? 0 : 1/($this->rt/$this->gv);
              for( $this->dy = 0; $this->dy <= $this->r; $this->dy++ )
              for( $this->dx = 0; $this->dx <= $this->q; $this->dx++ )
              $this->pxrgb = @imagecolorat($this->t, $this->dx, $this->dy);
              $this->rgb = @ImageColorsforIndex( $this->t, $this->pxrgb );
              $this->newcol = ($this->rr*$this->rgb['red'])+($this->br*$this->rgb['blue'])+($this->gr*$this->rgb['green']);
              $this->setcol = @ImageColorAllocate( $this->t, $this->newcol, $this->newcol, $this->newcol );
              @imagesetpixel( $this->t, $this->dx, $this->dy, $this->setcol );
              function ellipse($bg_colour="FFFFFF")
              $this->bgc = $bg_colour;
              $this->br = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->bgc,0,2));
              $this->bg = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->bgc,2,2));
              $this->bb = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->bgc,4,2));
              $this->dot = @ImageCreate(6,6);
              $this->dot_base = @ImageColorAllocate($this->dot, $this->br, $this->bg, $this->bb);
              $this->zenitha = @ImageColorClosest($this->t, $this->br, $this->bg, $this->bb);
              for($this->rad = 0;$this->rad<6.3;$this->rad+=0.005)
              $this->xpos = floor(($this->q)+(sin($this->rad)*($this->q)))/2;
              $this->ypos = floor(($this->r)+(cos($this->rad)*($this->r)))/2;
              $this->xto = 0;
              if($this->xpos >= ($this->q/2))
              $this->xto = $this->q;
              function round_edges($edge_rad=3, $bg_colour="FFFFFF", $anti_alias=1)
              $this->er = $edge_rad;
              $this->bgd = $bg_colour;
              $this->aa = min(3,$anti_alias);
              $this->br = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->bgd,0,2));
              $this->bg = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->bgd,2,2));
              $this->bb = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->bgd,4,2));
              $this->dot = @ImageCreate(1,1);
              $this->dot_base = @ImageColorAllocate($this->dot, $this->br, $this->bg, $this->bb);
              $this->zenitha = @ImageColorClosest($this->t, $this->br, $this->bg, $this->bb);
              for($this->rr = 0-$this->er; $this->rr <= $this->er; $this->rr++)
              $this->ypos = ($this->rr < 0) ? $this->rr+$this->er-1 : $this->r-($this->er-$this->rr);
              for($this->cr = 0-$this->er; $this->cr <= $this->er; $this->cr++)
              $this->xpos = ($this->cr < 0) ? $this->cr+$this->er-1 : $this->q-($this->er-$this->cr);
              if($this->rr !== 0 || $this->cr !== 0)
              $this->d_dist = round(sqrt(($this->cr*$this->cr)+($this->rr*$this->rr)));
              $this->opaci = ($this->d_dist < $this->er-$this->aa) ? 0 : max(0, 100-(($this->er-$this->d_dist)*33));
              $this->opaci = ($this->d_dist > $this->er) ? 100 : $this->opaci;
              function merge($merge_img="", $x_left=0, $y_top=0, $merge_opacity=70, $trans_colour="FF0000")
              $this->mi = $merge_img;
              $this->xx = ($x_left < 0) ? $this->q+$x_left : $x_left;
              $this->yy = ($y_top < 0) ? $this->r+$y_top : $y_top;
              $this->mo = $merge_opacity;
              $this->tc = $trans_colour;
              $this->tr = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->tc,0,2));
              $this->tg = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->tc,2,2));
              $this->tb = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->tc,4,2));
              $this->md = @getimagesize($this->mi);
              $this->mw = $this->md[0];
              $this->mh = $this->md[1];
              $this->mm = ($this->md[2] < 4) ? ($this->md[2] < 3) ? ($this->md[2] < 2) ? imagecreatefromgif($this->mi) : imagecreatefromjpeg($this->mi) : imagecreatefrompng($this->mi) : Null;
              for($this->ypo = 0; $this->ypo < $this->mh; $this->ypo++)
              for($this->xpo = 0; $this->xpo < $this->mw; $this->xpo++)
              $this->indx_ref = @imagecolorat($this->mm, $this->xpo, $this->ypo);
              $this->indx_rgb = @imagecolorsforindex($this->mm, $this->indx_ref);
              if(($this->indx_rgb['red'] == $this->tr) && ($this->indx_rgb['green'] == $this->tg) && ($this->indx_rgb['blue'] == $this->tb))
              // transparent colour, so ignore merging this pixel
              @imagecopymerge($this->t, $this->mm, $this->xx+$this->xpo, $this->yy+$this->ypo, $this->xpo, $this->ypo, 1, 1, $this->mo);
              function frame($light_colour="FFFFFF", $dark_colour="000000", $mid_width=4, $frame_colour = "" )
              $this->rw = $mid_width;
              $this->dh = $dark_colour;
              $this->lh = $light_colour;
              $this->frc = $frame_colour;
              $this->fr = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->dh,0,2));
              $this->fg = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->dh,2,2));
              $this->fb = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->dh,4,2));
              $this->gr = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->lh,0,2));
              $this->gg = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->lh,2,2));
              $this->gb = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->lh,4,2));
              $this->zen = @ImageColorClosest($this->t, $this->gr, $this->gg, $this->gb);
              $this->nad = @ImageColorClosest($this->t, $this->fr, $this->fg, $this->fb);
              $this->mid = ($this->frc == "") ? @ImageColorClosest($this->t, ($this->gr+$this->fr)/2, ($this->gg+$this->fg)/2, ($this->gb+$this->fb)/2) : ImageColorClosest($this->t, $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->frc,0,2)), $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->frc,2,2)), $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->frc,4,2)));
              @imageline($this->t, 0, 0, $this->q, 0, $this->zen);
              @imageline($this->t, 0, 0, 0, $this->r, $this->zen);
              @imageline($this->t, $this->q-1, 0, $this->q-1, $this->r, $this->nad);
              @imageline($this->t, 0, $this->r-1, $this->q, $this->r-1, $this->nad);
              @imageline($this->t, $this->rw+1, $this->r-($this->rw+2), $this->q-($this->rw+2), $this->r-($this->rw+2), $this->zen); // base in
              @imageline($this->t, $this->q-($this->rw+2), $this->rw+1, $this->q-($this->rw+2), $this->r-($this->rw+2), $this->zen); // right in
              @imageline($this->t, $this->rw+1, $this->rw+1, $this->q-($this->rw+1), $this->rw+1, $this->nad);
              @imageline($this->t, $this->rw+1, $this->rw+1, $this->rw+1, $this->r-($this->rw+1), $this->nad);
              for($this->crw = 0; $this->crw < $this->rw; $this->crw++)
              @imageline($this->t, $this->crw+1, $this->crw+1, $this->q-($this->crw+1), $this->crw+1, $this->mid); // top
              @imageline($this->t, $this->crw+1, $this->r-($this->crw+2), $this->q-($this->crw+1), $this->r-($this->crw+2), $this->mid); // base
              @imageline($this->t, $this->crw+1, $this->crw+1, $this->crw+1, $this->r-($this->crw+1), $this->mid); //left
              @imageline($this->t, $this->q-($this->crw+2), $this->crw, $this->q-($this->crw+2), $this->r-($this->crw+1), $this->mid); // right
              function drop_shadow($shadow_width, $shadow_colour="000000", $background_colour="FFFFFF")
              $this->sw = $shadow_width;
              $this->sc = $shadow_colour;
              $this->sbr = $background_colour;
              $this->sr = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->sc,0,2));
              $this->sg = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->sc,2,2));
              $this->sb = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->sc,4,2));
              $this->sbrr = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->sbr,0,2));
              $this->sbrg = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->sbr,2,2));
              $this->sbrb = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->sbr,4,2));
              $this->dot = @ImageCreate(1,1);
              $this->dotc = @ImageColorAllocate($this->dot, $this->sr, $this->sg, $this->sb);
              $this->v = @imagecreatetruecolor($this->q, $this->r);
              $this->sbc = @imagecolorallocate($this->v, $this->sbrr, $this->sbrg, $this->sbrb);
              $this->rsw = $this->q-$this->sw;
              $this->rsh = $this->r-$this->sw;
              @imagefill($this->v, 0, 0, $this->sbc);
              for($this->sws = 0; $this->sws < $this->sw; $this->sws++)
              $this->s_opac = max(0, 90-($this->sws*(100 / $this->sw)));
              for($this->sde = $this->sw; $this->sde < $this->rsh+$this->sws+1; $this->sde++)
              @imagecopymerge($this->v, $this->dot, $this->rsw+$this->sws, $this->sde, 0, 0, 1, 1, $this->s_opac);
              for($this->bse = $this->sw; $this->bse < $this->rsw+$this->sws; $this->bse++)
              @imagecopymerge($this->v, $this->dot, $this->bse, $this->rsh+$this->sws, 0, 0, 1, 1, $this->s_opac);
              @imagecopyresampled($this->v, $this->t, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->rsw, $this->rsh, $this->q, $this->r);
              @imagecopyresampled($this->t, $this->v, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->q, $this->r, $this->q, $this->r);
              function motion_blur($num_blur_lines, $background_colour="FFFFFF")

              $this->nbl = $num_blur_lines;
              $this->shw = ($this->nbl*2)+1;
              $this->bk = $background_colour;
              $this->kr = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->bk,0,2));
              $this->kg = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->bk,2,2));
              $this->kb = $this->hex2rgb(substr($this->bk,4,2));
              $this->w = @imagecreatetruecolor($this->q, $this->r);
              $this->shbc = @imagecolorallocate($this->w, $this->kr, $this->kg, $this->kb);
              $this->rsw = $this->q-$this->shw;
              $this->rsh = $this->r-$this->shw;
              @imagefill($this->w, 0, 0, $this->shbc);
              $this->rati = $this->r / $this->rsh;
              for($this->lst = 0; $this->lst < $this->nbl; $this->lst++)
              $this->opacit = max(0, 70-($this->lst*(85 / $this->nbl)));
              for($this->yst = 0; $this->yst < $this->rsh; $this->yst++)
              @imagecopymerge($this->w, $this->t, $this->rsw+(2*$this->lst)+1, $this->yst+(2*$this->lst)+2, $this->q-1, $this->yst*$this->rati, 1, 1, $this->opacit);
              for($this->xst = 0; $this->xst < $this->rsw; $this->xst++)
              @imagecopymerge($this->w, $this->t, $this->xst+(2*$this->lst)+1, $this->rsh+(2*$this->lst)+1, $this->xst*$this->rati, $this->r-1, 1, 1, $this->opacit);
              @imagecopyresampled($this->w, $this->t, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->rsw, $this->rsh, $this->q, $this->r);
              @imagecopyresampled($this->t, $this->w, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->q, $this->r, $this->q, $this->r);
              function manipulate()
              if($this->c !== "" && $this->s !== Null)
              eval("\$this->maniparray = array(".$this->c.");");
              foreach($this->maniparray as $manip)
              function create()
              if($this->s !== Null)
              if($this->d !== "")
              imagejpeg($this->t, $this->d, $this->e);


              Übrigens..., bei OScommerce auch als IMAGE Manipulator zu finden!




                Ich würde das nicht online machen, weil es zu viel Serverlast produziert. Ich löse alle Grafik-Sachen mit der Skript-Sprache von Corel Photo-Paint - so was geht sicher auch in anderen Bildbearbeitungsprogrammen. In einer Nacht (abends angeworfen - morgens war es fertig) habe ich so über 30.000 Bilder neu skaliert (in 3 Größen), eine Logo eingefügt und gleich auf den Server übertragen.

                Gruß, Udo


                  Oder man nimmt Irfan View ( ) das kann auch per Patch Konvertierung skalieren und umbennenen und logo einfügen. Danach auf den Server und fertig.


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